Indicators and Targets

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has identified sales of Products to Enhance Sustainability as a KPI to reflect its focus on ESG management (improving social sustainability and achieving the sustainable growth of the Group itself). We have also set the sales target for Products to Enhance Sustainability at over ¥1 trillion in our current Medium-term Management Plan. Moreover, we have set KPIs and targets for each of the key issues of governance (internal control), DX, the environment, human capital, and innovation.

Group-wide indicators for ESG management

Sales of Products to Enhance Sustainability

  • Target for the final year of the Medium-term Management Plan (FY2025): Over ¥1 trillion

Key issue KPIs

Targets for the final year of the Medium-term Management Plan (FY2025)

  • Governance (internal control)
    Number of serious incidents in the 5 fields Zero
  • DX
    Net sales per direct/indirect employee FY2030: Indirect productivity 43% increase; direct productivity 30% increase (compared with FY2019)
  • Environment
    Climate change: Rate of GHG reduction -33% (compared with FY2019)
    Resource recycling: Recycling rate for waste plastic materials (Japan) 65%(Overseas:BM+5%)
  • Human capital
    Degree of challenging behavior expression 60%
    Rate of successor candidate preparation 100%
    Retention Rate  Maintain or improve compared with the previous year
  • Innovation
    Incidence of open innovation

For details on KPIs and management indicators for Key ESG Management Issues (Materiality), see here.

Key ESG Management Issues (Materiality) and KPIs

Current Medium-term Management Plan (FY2023-FY2025)

  • In_P01
  • Undisclosed.
  • Targets revised due to the postponement of Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) implementation.
  • CSIRT: Abbreviation for Computer Security Incident Response Team. Plays a role in preventing cybersecurity incidents and a role in rapid response and recovery in the unlikely event of a cybersecurity incident.
  • Target after redefining indicator.
  • Number of successor candidates to the most senior business leader post ÷ Number of the same post
  • Hours of training per employee in the fiscal year
  • No institutional wage disparity; differentials based on the composition of labor (age and qualifications) rate
  • Indicators other than the degree of challenging behavior expression and the successor candidate readiness rate are disclosed as SEKISUI CHEMICAL non-consolidated targets.