
Environmental Management System

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has established an environmental management system at each of its production sites and research facilities in its bid to promote environmental activities. This system is based on ISO 14001.
Steady achievement of medium-term and annual milestones under the leadership of top management is important for resolving environmental issues aimed at achieving long-term goals. We strive to reduce the impact of all environmental issues by constantly monitoring legal compliance and the impact on the environment. In addition, in order to minimize the impact on the environment as much as possible in the event of disasters, accidents, and other irregularities, we regularly conduct education and training based on an examination of preventive measures and post-event responses.
Recognizing the need to take action based on a view of the entire supply chain, we have reviewed the Group’s Sustainable Procurement Guidelines and systems to strengthen supply chain management. We will accelerate efforts aimed at resolving environmental issues by approaching and collaborating with suppliers.

Environmental Management Promotion System

Since fiscal 2020, we have managed and promoted the environmental aspects of the Group under the Sustainability Committee. This Committee discusses policies and strategies for improving the sustainability of society and the Group.
As a subordinate structure under the Sustainability Committee, we established subcommittees for each issue defined under materiality by the Group. As a part of this initiative, we established the Environmental Subcommittee to address environmental issues.
Key sustainability-related initiatives, policies, and other matters encompassing a host of issues, including the environment, that are discussed by the Sustainability Committee are reported to and approved by the Board of Directors and accordingly reflected in management.
Specific environmental action plans are formulated and implemented through meetings of environmental managers for each issue between divisional companies and Corporate Headquarters.
In fiscal 2023, the Environmental Subcommittee met twice, in November and March. In addition to confirming progress of the Environmental Medium-term Plan, the subcommittee also discussed plans for the next fiscal year, initiatives, and promotion measures for each issue, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, response to water-related risks, and reduction of waste generation. Projects requiring rapid attention are also discussed and reported to the Board of Directors at monthly management meetings, chaired by person in charge of the ESG Management Department and head of the Business Strategy Department.

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Environmental Management Promotion System

Expansion of EMS Overseas

Our overseas bases are expanding and implementing the environmental management system (EMS) developed in Japan. In this manner, we have established a system for acquiring environmental impact data and are working to reduce environmental impact based on this data.
As of the end of March 2024, 51domestic sites and 35 overseas sites had acquired ISO 14001 or other certification. These certified sites account for 90% of the total number of Group production sites and research institutes.
We are also working to obtain ISO 14001 certification at all of our production sites.

Indicator Calculation Method
Number of EMS-certified business sites Number of business sites that have received external EMS certification
External EMS certification: ISO 14001
The proportion of all production sites and research facilities within SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group that have received external EMS certification The proportion of all EMS-certified business sites within SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group = The number of all production sites and research facilities that have received external EMS certification / The number of all production sites and research facilities within SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group

Environmental Audits

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group conducts environmental audits with the aim of complying with laws and regulations and preventing accidents. The audits are conducted in advance by checking laws and regulations, hazard maps, etc., with an emphasis placed on continuous legal compliance, the reduction of environmental risks, and accident prevention in accordance with the business activities of each business site.
We conduct voluntary audits at all of our business sites and request reports on the results. We also conduct environmental audits at our production sites and research institutes every three years. In fiscal 2023, these initiatives were conducted at 15 domestic and 14 overseas sites.
There were no breaches involving significant fines or penalties.