Enhancing the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social
Issues through Employee Training as well as Social and
SDGs Contribution Activities
(Stance and Approach)
Promoting Training to Enhance the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues
To realize a sustainable society, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group emphasizes management’s ability to sustain business, create profit, contribute to solving social issues in its bid to both contribute to solving social issues and corporate growth.
In order to accelerate the development of Products to Enhance Sustainability and expansion of related markets, we undertake the training of Group employees to broaden their ability to contribute to solving social issues.
Through this training, we are working to help employees think in ways that will connect to management’s ability to sustain business and the ability to generate profit.
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Management approach toward realizing a sustainable society,
Promoting Long-term Employee Training
In addition to encouraging the growth of employees through on-the-job experience, we provide training that enables employees to recognize issues while also fostering an awareness toward problem-solving and the ability to take action.
On top of knowledge-based training, we are endeavoring to transform the consciousness of employees by having them spearhead activities that focus on solving social issues (i.e. SDGs). Moreover, we are encouraging a change in behavior through activities (i.e., activities that contribute to SDGs) that improve the ability to help solve social issues.
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Schematic view of employee training that develops the ability to contribute to solving social issues
We believe that it is important to improve the level of knowledge and action in order to develop the ability to contribute to solving social issues. In this regard, we have identified eight categories (four for knowledge and four for action) as the necessary qualities for human resources to contribute to solving social issues. We provide employees with training as the means to secure improvements in each of these eight categories, and conduct regular surveys to confirm the growth of each employee's knowledge and ability to take action, while addressing weaknesses and developing strengths.
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Training to Improve the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues in the Environmental Medium-term Plan
Training Programs That Support Transformation Toward Practical Application
Carrying on from the previous Medium-term Management Plan, we will continue to provide training to impart knowledge and information on social issues under the current Medium-term Management Plan. At the same time, we will further enhance training at the development stage to create products and services for solving social issues.
Promote Social Contribution Activities based on the SDGs
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group not only contributes to solving social issues through its business activities, but also through social contribution activities that make the most of the characteristics and resources of the Group in various aspects related to society. We have positioned the environment, the next generation, and local communities as the three main areas of our activities. In addition, we define and promote activities that contribute to the SDGs as activities that contribute to society.
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We believe that awareness toward the SDGs is essential when seeking to contribute to the resolution of social issues. By engaging in social contribution activities with an awareness of the SDGs, we are working to improve the Group’s ability as a whole to contribute to solving social issues.
As a member of society, we will use SDGs as a guidepost to help navigate what we can do to solve social issues, and take action starting from our daily lives.
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Promoting Training to Enhance the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues
Training Promotion System in the Current Medium-term Management Plan
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group promotes training to improve employees' ability to contribute to solving social issues while conducting a PDCA cycle.
From the Long-term Environmental Management Vision for 2050, we have drawn up an ideal image of human resources, set milestones to achieve that image, and put in place a training system that will help employees develop their knowledge and ability to take action.
We regularly plan and implement training programs, such as training brochures, e-learning, and online seminars, based on the training system.
In fiscal 2021, we established a human resource indicator to measure the progress of individuals. This indicator is designed to help employees understand the current state of knowledge/action required to solve social issues, and to encourage self-improvement.
Using this indicator, we periodically conduct the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review to measure the ability of employees to contribute to solving social issues. This indicator allows us to identify strengths and weaknesses in knowledge and actions related to social and environmental issues, and to ascertain growth in the ability to contribute to solving social issues. -
Based on the results of the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review, we identify the gap between expectations and reality, as well as plan and implement training programs to address areas of weakness. Moreover, we will reflect the results of this review when putting in place the training system in the next fiscal year.
In the future, we will continue to train employees to improve their ability to contribute to solving social issues by utilizing the human resource indicator and conducting a PDCA cycle.
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Training System for Enhancing the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues.
Promotion System for SDGs Contribution Activities
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group conducts voluntary activities to contribute to the SDGs at each business site and by employees of its domestic and overseas Group companies.
Personnel from domestic and overseas Group companies and the ESG Management Department collaborate to instill greater awareness of and contributions to the SDGs. We are also fostering a corporate culture that contributes to the SDGs through a Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) cycle, and are developing human resources to promote SDGs contribution activities.
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Promoting Training to Enhance the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues
Training to Enhance the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues (implemented in FY2023)
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1. Implementing training in accordance with the points to be strengthened in the current
Medium-term Management Plan
E-learning to learn about complex issues
Under the Medium-term Management Plan launched in fiscal 2023, we are renewing our awareness of the interrelationship between environmental issues, such as climate change, resource recycling as well as water-related risks and biodiversity, and are strengthening our efforts to find solutions that do not involve trade-offs throughout the product life cycle.
In line with this understanding, we conducted e-learning utilizing a role-playing format aimed at thinking about actions that do not require a trade-off and actions that generate synergies, when thinking about complex issues.
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E-learning about complex issues
2. Provide training to address weaknesses
We implemented a program to address certain items (weak points) that received low scores in the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review conducted for employees in Japan in FY2023.
Program example: Distribution of current topics related to the environment
News about climate change and resource recycling is frequently reported in newspapers and on the Internet. In order to let employees know what environmental issues these are related to and what solutions are effective, we distributed current environmental topics.
We introduced our internal and external efforts to help employees learn about the environmental issues that are occurring today and to help them think about solutions.
Based on the results of the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review conducted in FY2022, we felt that training should be provided on a job responsibility basis, and accordingly implemented the program with content divided by job responsibility. In fiscal 2023, we adopted the Japanese carbon pricing concept and the Green Transformation (GX), and explained the relationship with business operations through e-learning for general employees and the relationship with management for those in managerial positions and above.
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Example of distribution of current topics related to the environment
Application of a Human Resource Indicator That Measure the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues
In fiscal 2021, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group began applying a human resource indicator that serves as a benchmark for individual progress in order to ascertain the current state of knowledge and actions that employees require to solve social issues and to encourage self-improvement.
Under the current Medium-term Management Plan, we will continue to use this human resource indicator.
Specifically, we conduct the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review encompassing employees in Japan each year to measure their ability to contribute to solving social issues. This dovetails with our Vision Statement (Vision 2030): To realize a sustainable society, we support the basis of LIFE and will create peace of mind for the future. This Review allows us to keep track of each employee’s knowledge and behavioral growth.
The Review is in the form of a questionnaire and is self-checked by employees. The Review confirms how much knowledge employees have and whether they are taking actions that will help solve social issues. By conducting this Review on a regular basis, we measure the extent to which self-awareness of contributions to solving social issues has improved. As self-awareness improves, we are confident that employees will act with an awareness of their contribution to solving social issues as part of their work.
Drawing on this indicator in fiscal 2023, we were again able to identify strengths and weaknesses with respect to knowledge and actions taken regarding social and environmental issues. As a result, we took steps to promote effective human resources development by conducting training programs that address weaknesses and develop strengths.
Results of the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review (FY2023)
In fiscal 2023, we changed the questions in the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review to better reflect employees' self-awareness. Benchmarks were also recalculated based on this.
The average score for the Group as a whole was 49, which was set as a benchmark under the current Medium-term Management Plan.
After implementing training programs for one year, we conducted the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review again to determine growth from the benchmark.
The average score for this second Group-wide review in fiscal 2023 was 51 points, an improvement of 2 points from the benchmark.
When we checked the degree of knowledge and action goals achievement, we found that knowledge was 59% and action was 45%. The results showed that there was a larger gap between action and our goals.
When checked by job responsibility, the average score was highest in the order of management, managers, and general employees. Based on these findings, we decided that we needed to train employees according to their responsibilities, and conducted e-learning for managers and above and for general employees.
Based on the results of this review, we will continue to promote stratified training programs according to job type and responsibility in fiscal 2024. We will also plan and conduct training programs that promote behavioral change.
Criteria for Calculating Points for the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review
Definition | Calculated the response results of employees who responded to the questionnaire survey out of all SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group employees in Japan. Responsibilities were tabulated after classifying into Top management (directors and executive officers), Middle management, and General employees, based on personnel information. |
Calculation Method | Knowledge, action: Points allocated to each question selection by weighting The total score for each respondent is calculated and averaged. |
Scope of calculation | Employees who responded to the questionnaire survey out of all SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group employees in Japan |
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Trends in Average Score
Note:Question details revised from FY2023 to more easily reflect employees’ self-awareness; benchmark reworked.
Level of Knowledge and Action Achievement (%)
Note:Weighted average owing to the difference in knowledge and action weighting.
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Trends in Average Score by Responsibility and Duty
Level of Achievement by Category (FY2023)
*Average score weighted average for each category.
Categories with the highest level of achievement in knowledge and action. -
Categories with the lowest level of achievement in knowledge and action.
Revitalizing Activities through the SDGs Challenge
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is making steady efforts to raise awareness of the SDGs and social issues. Specifically, we are actively raising awareness through such means as disseminating information on the SDGs contribution activities of each Group company and sharing SDGs-related information with the persons in charge.
In fiscal 2023, we held activity promotion study sessions for those in charge, where they learned about the relationship between solving social issues and social contribution activities, as well as examples of activities.
In addition, we are working to revitalize activities by supporting efforts to improve activities implemented at our business sites and encouraging people to take on the challenge of new activity programs through the SDGs Challenge.
Results of FY2023 Activities
A total of 167 initiatives were implemented at domestic sites, 51 of which were SDGs Challenges.
From fiscal 2023 to fiscal 2025, we have and will continue to promote social contribution activities that contribute to solving social issues such as climate change measures, resource recycling, biodiversity conservation, and regional cooperation, and are working to revitalize these activities.
We will continue to contribute to solving social issues through social contribution activities from the perspective of the SDGs.
Initiatives in Three Main Areas
Environment: Conservation of the Natural Environment That Forms the Foundation of Society
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is working to conserve the natural environment in order to realize an earth with maintained biodiversity as stipulated in the SEKISUI Environment Sustainability Vision 2050. Working in collaboration with NPOs and other organizations, we are developing social contribution activities related to the local environment such as nature conservation activities in each region while at the same time presenting in-house awards for outstanding activities. We believe that it is effective to develop environmental human resources and solve social issues by having employees take the initiative in carrying out activities.
Group offices carried out various measures including clean-up activities in surrounding areas, forest conservation, and environmental education in fiscal 2023.
Major Social and SDGs Contribution Activities Undertaken or Participated in during FY2023 (Environmental Field)
We work with local communities to protect the natural environment and biodiversity.
SDGs | Activities | Purpose | Continuity | Coordination / Cooperation ![]() |
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Tohoku Coastal Forest Restoration Activities "Tane-Project" (Sekisui Heim Tohoku Group) |
Restore coastal forests using locally grown seedlings | 2015- | The Great East Japan Earthquake-destroyed satoyama forest rescue network |
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"Sekisui no Mori" maintenance activities (TOKUYAMA SEKISUI CO., LTD., Sekisui Medical Co., Ltd., Tokuyama Plant) |
Conserve forest environments and enhance the functioning of forests | 2000- | Yamaguchi Prefecture Shunan Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Office Social Employment Center "SELP Shinnanyo" |
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Former Matsuo mine site tree-planting activities (Sekisui Medical Co., Ltd., Iwate Plant) |
Plant trees to restore waste land into forests | 2007- | Study Club on REGIONAL ENVIRONMENT Planning in TOUHOKU |
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Eradication of Invasive Aquatic Grasses in the Shinmachi River (Shikoku Sekisui Co., Ltd.) |
Remove non-native while conserving native waterweed species | 2015- | NPO Saijo Nature School |
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Nakaumi and Lake Shinji Clean-up Activities (SEKISUI SEIKEI, LTD., Izumo Plant) |
Conduct clean-up activities to conserve the environment around Nakaumi and Lake Shinji | 2006- | Shimane Prefecture, Izumo City |
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"Uruoi no Mori" plants and insects observation event (Extracurricular classes) (Chiba Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd.) |
Provide children with the opportunity to learn about changes in nature at "Uruoi no Mori", a local grove of miscellaneous trees | 2015- | Ichihara Municipal Urutsu Elementary School |
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Satoyama Conservation Activities
[Site]SEKISUI CHEMICAL Co., Ltd., Tsukuba Site/Tsukuba City,Ibaraki Prefecture
[Collaborating partner]NPO TSUKUBA KANKYOU FORUM
[Purpose]Conserving the biodiversity of the Susomi Forest at the foot of Mt. Tsukuba
[Continuity]Participated in activities since 2012
[Effect]FY2023: Held three times with 29 employees participating
In cooperation with TSUKUBA KANKYOU FORUM, an NPO engaged in activities to conserve the precious satoyama environment, about 200 saplings have been planted so far. We are working to conserve biodiversity through the maintenance of thickets and rice paddies using natural farming methods.
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Environmental conservation activities of overseas Group companies
[Overseas Subsidiary]SEKISUI S-LEC (THAILAND) CO., LTD (Thailand)
[Activities]Since 2022, we have been participating in the WeCYCLE Project. This project involves donating used PET bottles for reuse. PET bottles collected by employees are recycled into pillowcases, which are then donated to local hospitals. In fiscal 2023, 3,340 used PET bottles (50.1kg) were collected and donated to the project.
Initiatives in Three Main Areas
Next Generation: Building Local Communities in Which Children Can Develop and Healthily Grow into Adulthood
With the aim of creating a society where children, who will lead the next generation, can develop and healthily grow into adulthood, we provide career education for elementary, junior high, high school, and university students that leverage the characteristics of our business. The purpose of this education is to help children acquire knowledge, skills, and ways of thinking that will help them lead independent lives as members of society.
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group conducts a variety of activities, including on-site chemistry classes held by its employees and on-line classes to learn about the SDGs through the Group’s products and manufacturing.
List of Next-generation Education Initiatives
Activity | Aim | Target | Cooperation | Division of roles | Continuity | Result 1 (Single-year FY2023) (Number of people, etc.) |
Result 2 (Total number of people, etc., including results from FY2023) |
Developability | |
1 | TOKUYAMA SEKISUI Children's Chemistry Classroom (TOKUYAMA SEKISUI CO., LTD.) | Convey the allure of chemistry to future generations of children | Preschool to elementary school students | Local social welfare council | Organizer | 2022- | 31 | 114 | Implementation on a continuous basis; establishment of targets and staging methods |
2 | Summer Vacation Carpentry Classroom (Kyushu Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd.) | Raise environmental awareness among future generations of children and pass on cultural skills through the practice of craftsman technique | Elementary school students | Local governments | Coorganizer | 2022- | 15 | 30 | Implementation on a continuous basis |
3 | Support for exhibiting at "Work Festival in Yamatokoriyama" (Nara Sekisui Co, Ltd.) | Enable children to experience work in order to acquire new knowledge and make discoveries while learning about the various occupations and companies that exist today | Elementary school students | Local industrial park and governments | Coorganizer | 2019- | 262 | 637 | Implementation on a continuous basis |
4 | Bus tour to learn about the environment for children during summer vacation(Collaboration between three companies: Sekisui Chemical Hokkaido Co., Ltd., Hokkaido Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd., Hokkaido Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Iwamizawa exhibition space) | Tour of a facility that uses natural energy while learning about "COOL CHOICE," a global warming countermeasure | Elementary school students | Local governments | Coorganizer | 2019- | 14 | 91 | Implementation on a continuous basis |
5 | NEW Challenge! kids chemistry class (Shiga-Minakuchi Plant) |
Instilling an interest in chemistry and a spirit of exploration in the next generation of children | Elementary school students | Local welfare organizations | Organizer | 2009- | 83 | 550 | Implementation on a continuous basis; expand scale through collaboration with local welfare organizations |
6 | NEW Onsite classes on renewable energy(Sekisui LB Tec Co., Ltd.) |
Deepen the next generation of children’s understanding of renewable energy | Elementary school students | Local governments | Coorganizer | 2023- | 202 | 202 | Implementation on a continuous basis |
7 | Experiments to investigate plastics and factory tour(Shikoku Sekisui Industry Co, Ltd.) | Ensure that the next generation of children will find manufacturing interesting and deepen their understanding of local industry | Elementary school students | Local governments | Coorganizer | 2013- | 40 | 270 | Implementation on a continuous basis |
8 | SDGs education utilizing Edu Town SDGs electronic teaching materials(SEKISUI CHEMICAL Co., Ltd.) | Next-generation children will learn about SDGs through manufacturing and develop the ability to think and act for themselves in solving social issues | Elementary school upper grade years to junior high school students | Producer of teaching materials | ・ Platform construction ・ Provision of teaching materials ・ Alliance participation | 2018- | 5,564 page views (SEKISUI CHEMICAL-related pages only) | 63,950 page views (SEKISUI CHEMICAL-related pages only) | Part of Web content made into a booklet with continued distribution free of charge to elementary and junior high schools nationwide; further expansion of Web content |
9 | Online lessons to learn about SDGs (SEKISUI CHEMICAL Co., Ltd.) | Under the theme of the SDGs, for which there is an increasing need in schools, we will utilize our unique expertise to bring about improvements in the next generation of young people's knowledge and ability to take action needed to solve problems toward the creation of a sustainable society | Junior high school students | Education support company | Organizer ( Providing teaching materials and instructors) | 2021- | 151 | 502 | Online lessons conducted even during pandemics; establishment of an operating system |
10 | Chemistry Classroom Project (High Performance Plastics Company Minase Site) | Raise the next generation of children's interest in and passion for chemistry. | Junior high school students | Local junior high schools and junior high schools from which requests were received | Organizer | 2008- | 1,882 | 35,604 | Collaboration with teachers; Minase researcher support |
11 | Science classes(Shikoku Sekisui Co., Ltd.) | Raise the next generation of children's interest in and passion for science. | Junior high school students | Local junior high schools | Organizer | 2009- | 65 | 940 | Implementation on a continuous basis |
12 | NEW SB-University (SEKISUI CHEMICAL Co., Ltd.) |
Accelerate the shift to a sustainable society by sharing values and opinions and holding discussions between university students, who will lead the next generation, and the Company | University students | Initiatives Other companies | Providing teaching materials and instructors | 2023- | 30 | 30 | Implementation on a continuous basis |
SB-University, a Co-creation Program with Generation Z
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[Education scope]University students
[Number of people]30
[Purpose]Accelerate the shift to a sustainable society by sharing values and opinions and holding discussions with university students, who will lead the next generation.
[Topic]Thinking about ways to solve social issues without making trade-offs in purpose-driven businesses
[Content]SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group invited 30 university students for free to attend a community event for global sustainability leaders. After a lecture on the aforementioned topic, the participating university students listened to keynote speeches and panel discussions held by various companies and organizations during the event to deepen their understanding of sustainability. At the end, we held a themed workshop for the students, where they asked questions and commented on presentations.
University students who participated in this program commented, "I was able to draw the word 'purpose' more clearly than ever before," and "By being able to interact actively and closely with people from companies, I was able to learn how companies are managed based on the term 'purpose' and from what perspective companies are looking at society and the future and thinking about their management vision. It was a very good learning experience.
Next-generation Training Activities at Overseas Group Companies
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[Overseas Subsidiary]SEKISUI KYDEX, LLC. (The U.S.)
[Activities]As part of the annual Manufacturing Day event in the U.S., SEKISUI KYDEX hosted over 120 students from local high schools at South Campus to learn about opportunities for careers in manufacturing, processes, safety measures, design and engineering, and sustainable recycling practices. A local technical college, Pennsylvania College of Technology, also sent representatives to speak with students about education opportunities in thermoplastics, as depicted in the photo.
Initiatives in Three Main Areas
Local Communities: Creating a Sustainable Society as a Corporate Citizen
As a member of the local community, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is actively engaged in social contribution activities that contribute to the creation of a sustainable society. In order to deepen understanding of and help solve issues faced by local communities, we are promoting a variety of initiatives, including creating safe and secure communities in cooperation with local communities, holding extracurricular classes at local elementary schools, and supporting programs for developing countries.
Major Social and SDGs Contribution Activities Implemented or Participated in during FY2023 (Local Community Fields)
We work with local communities to achieve a sustainable society.
SDGs | Activities | Purpose | Continuity | Coordination / Cooperation ![]() |
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Stockpile donations (food bank support) (Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd.) |
Reduce food loss and assist poor families | 2023- | NPO Food Bank Saitama |
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TFT Program to support school lunches in developing countries (Sekisui Medical Co., Ltd., Tsukuba Plant) |
Support school lunches in developing countries through participation in the TABLE FOR TWO initiative | 2022- | NPO TABLE FOR TWO International |
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Old clothing donations furugidevaccine (Musashi Plant, SEKISUI MUSASHI KAKO CO., LTD.) |
Provide assistance for clothing reuse and medicine for children in developing countries | 2023- | JAPAN REUSE SYSTEM CO., LTD. |
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Corporate blood donation (Shiga-Minakuchi Plant, Sekisui Minakuchi Kako Co., Ltd.) |
Support local medical care through continuous blood donation activities | 1965- | Japanese Red Cross Society Shiga Prefecture Red Cross Blood Donation Center |
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Donations of books for elementary and junior high school students (TOKUYAMA SEKISUI CO., LTD.) |
Established the Tokuyama Sekisui Library; donate books every year to support children's reading activities | 2004- | Shunan City Shinnanyo Library |
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Sekisui Heim Solar Power Smiling Kids Project (GUNMA SEKISUIHEIM Co., Ltd.) |
Support local child-rearing by utilizing profits from the sale of solar power generation | 2014- | Maebashi City Third Nursery School |
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Creation and donation of traffic safety educational materials (Sekisui Heim Shinetsu Co., Ltd.) |
Support traffic safety education for children by creating traffic safety materials for early elementary school students in cooperation with Nagano Prefectural Police | 2023- | Nagano Prefectural Police Headquarters Traffic Department |
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Reducing food loss and supporting children's cafeterias
[Site]Tokyo Sekisui Heim Co., Ltd./ Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
[Collaborating partner]○△ □ Children's Cafeteria
[Purpose]Reduce food loss and support children's cafeterias
[Continuity]Implemented for the first time in FY2023
[Effect]FY2023: Donated three boxes of stockpiled water and 650 meals
We quickly exchanged food and water stockpiled at the site for emergency use, and donated the unused portion to the ○△□ Children's Cafeteria in Saitama Prefecture. The cafeteria then distributed this food and water to people living in the community. As opposed to its disposal, this enabled us to effectively utilize food.
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Activities to raise awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation
[Site]East Japan Sekisui Shoji Co., Ltd./ Minato-ku, Tokyo
[Collaborating partner]Kawasaki city
[Purpose]Raising awareness of disaster preparedness through experiences related to disaster prevention and mitigation
[Continuity]inactivity since FY2022
[Effect]FY2023: 10 Group employees participated
Since fiscal 2022, we have participated in the disaster prevention event Preparedness Festa organized by the Kawasaki City Crisis Management Headquarters. Through such hands-on activities as assembling disaster toilets and miniature versions of the Cross Wave rainwater protection product, we helped raise awareness toward to the need to prepare for disasters among citizens.
Details of donation activities in FY2023 (SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group)
Type of Donation | Total Amount |
Donations | 296,088 |
Employee volunteers | 51,629 |
Donations of goods | 4,507 |
Administrative costs | 2,256 |
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Breakdown of Cash Donations in FY2023