Realizing Resource Recycling

(Stance, Approach, Risks and Opportunities)

Basic Concept

Establishment of the Resource Recycling Policy

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group aims to help create a sustainable society through the realization of a circular economy by 2050. To achieve this long-term goal, we formulated a resource recycling policy and strategy in fiscal 2020.
In partnership with the supply chain, we are working to minimize the use of virgin raw materials derived from fossil fuels. At the same time, we are promoting resource recycling and aim to realize a circular economy through our businesses. To this end, we will strengthen our efforts based on the following three points, which comprise our Group Policy.

  • Out_E41

Promoting Efforts Based on the Resource Recycling Policy

Under Vision 2030, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is strategically expanding its four business domains. By doubling our sales volume through solutions to social issues, we aim to realize a sustainable society and achieve corporate growth. We consider plastics to be an important raw material in these business domains. In order to reduce the amount of waste generated in the production process, we have continued our efforts to reduce the amount of waste per unit of production every year. In specific terms, we carry out internal recycling by returning wood scraps and other materials generated to raw materials for reuse. In addition, when disposing of materials as waste, we have promoted reuse as recycled materials that contain energy.
Under the Resource Recycling Policy, released in fiscal 2021, we will expand the use of non-fossil-derived and recycled raw materials, such as biomass plastics, for plastic raw materials used. At the same time. we will continue to promote internal recycling in our production processes. We are endeavoring to minimize the amount of waste generated at construction sites. In addition, at the use and recovery stages, we will work on product design and supply chain initiatives to ensure thorough sorting and separation of waste materials. Through these means, we will make every effort to maximize the reuse of materials through mechanical and chemical recycling.
Based on results achieved ahead of schedule through initiatives up to fiscal 2022, the Group reviewed and re-established milestones for fiscal 2023 and 2025. Since fiscal 2023, we have accelerated our efforts to achieve the revised milestones.
We believe that innovation at the product design stage is important for driving the promotion of resource recycling throughout the product life cycle. By rethinking the design of new products and revising the processes for existing products, we are promoting initiatives for innovation that accelerates resource recycling.

Road Map for Long-term Goal Achievement

  2020-2022 By 2025 By 2030
Business strategy Net sales of Products to Enhance Sustainability that contribute to resource circulation (Base year: 2020)
1.1 times 1.7 times 2 times or more
Raw material resource conversion Net sales of products not derived from fossil fuels and using recycled materials 3 billion yen 40 billion yen 100 billion yen
Recycling waste products Rates for recycling waste plastic into new materials Analyze current conditions and set baselines Japan 65% 100%

Plan to Accelerate the Recycling of Waste Plastics into Materials

Under the current Medium-term Management Plan, we have set the material recycling rate (MR rate) for waste plastics as one of the Group's environmental KPIs. The Group is applying this KPI under the following Plan while taking into consideration such factors as the high level of technological hurdles and timing of realization.

Plan for Recycling Waste Plastic into New Materials

  • Out_E88

Risks and Opportunities Posed by Resource Recycling on Our Businesses

Opportunity losses caused by changes in consumer behavior and preferences

We analyze and assess the risks and opportunities of resource recycling on the Group's business in the same four scenarios as the climate change scenario analysis conducted based on the TCFD Guide.
We are considering measures to mitigate the identified risks. With regard to opportunities, we are also considering the creation of new businesses through the development of products and services. When looking at the risks and opportunities of resource recycling on the Group's business, we take into consideration resource conversion, resource recycling, and the transition and physical risks posed by innovation to accelerate them. In particular, and from a resource recycling perspective, an analysis was conducted with a focus on the importance of services that connect the supply chain and the products that utilize those services in order to turn risks into opportunities.
The following are certain examples.

  • 1.
    The Plastic Molding and Processing Business
    In the Innovative Mobility, Advanced Lifeline, and other Plastic Molding and Processing Business fields, we recognize the risk of technological transition, which not only involves short-term costs, but also medium- to long-term investments in equipment installation and technological research when promoting the recycling of waste generated in the manufacturing process and resources in products after use. On the other hand, if we build products based on the assumption that resources will be recycled through upfront investment or a recycling system for products, we believe that this will be a point of differentiation from other companies' products and will lead to opportunities to expand our business.
  • 2.
    Town and Community Development Business
    In the Town and Community Development Business, there is the transition risk of losing market opportunities should we fail to respond to growing customer demand for products made from recycled and non-fossil-derived materials as a result of a certain level of environmental consideration given to raw materials and materials used, as in the case of LEED certification pioneered in the U.S. On the other hand, we believe that by taking the lead when considering urban development projects that take into consideration the conversion of raw materials, the potential exists to provide communities with high real estate value, which in turn could result in opportunities to expand our business.

Addressing Plastic Waste Issues

In recent years, plastic waste, represented by marine plastic waste, has become a major environmental issue. The Group does not manufacture or sell primary microplastics where use presupposes dissolution. However, we recognize that plastic products and plastic materials contained in products that are used or disposed after use may deteriorate in the natural environment and become microscopic if not properly treated.

Employee training

The Group promotes employee training as well as environmental and social contribution activities as a part of efforts to develop human resources with considerable ability in resolving social issues. Human resources with this ability can correctly recognize such problems as plastic waste in both the products they produce and the processes they manufacture, and are able to take appropriate remedial action.

Contributing to social change

We recognize that the proper use and disposal of plastics requires the construction of a social system as well as a shift in employee awareness based on education and training. The Group is therefore engaged in various collaborations with industry, government, and academia.
For example, we are participating in the Clean Ocean Materials Alliance (CLOMA), a collaborative initiative between companies organized by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. For a fundamental solution, we are working on the common issues necessary for the social implementation of resource recycling schemes with the aim of realizing a circular economy.

Creating and expanding the use of products, technologies, and services that contribute to the realization of a recycling-based society and a circular economy

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has developed a technology to convert combustible waste into gas and then convert that gas to ethanol, a raw material for plastics, by means of a microbial catalyst. A one-tenth commercial scale (processing capacity of approximately 20 tons/day) demonstration plant has been constructed in Kuji City, Iwate Prefecture, and is currently in operation.

Promoting recycling into materials

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has exchanged manifests with waste disposal companies to ensure the proper disposal of waste generated by its own production activities.
In fiscal 2020 we formulated a resource recycling policy and strategy, and are promoting material recycling. Given there are various methods of material recycling, we will strive to improve the material recycling rate while paying attention to the quality of recycling and GHG emissions.


Promotion System for Resource Recycling Issues

As far as resource recycling issues are concerned, including resource conversion, the recycling of waste, and external environmental issues that may constitute management risks, steps are taken to ascertain the magnitude of each risk to consider appropriate countermeasures, and to carry out the necessary decision-making process under the supervision of the Board of Directors.
In similar fashion to other environmental issues, our supervisory and executive systems for reducing the Group’s impact resource recycling issues and expanding its contribution to the resolution of issues are based on its Environmental Management Promotion System. (For details see here)
The Board of Directors has made the following final decisions on resource recycling issues.

  • Policies and strategies to mitigate the impact of resource recycling and other environmental issues and to expand contributions to solving these issues.
  • The organization's plan to achieve a sustainable society, including the transition to a circular economy (transition plan).
  • Assessment of the impact of environmental issues, including resource recycling on management and policies for addressing those issues.

Turning to major matters discussed and determined by the Board of Directors, the Sustainability Committee deliberates on policies and strategies in advance, based on conditions surrounding the Group as a whole regarding such environmental issues as resource recycling that have been discusses and summarized by the Environmental Subcommittee. In addition, based on the policies, strategies, and transition plans finalized by the Board of Directors, the Environmental Subcommittee discusses specific measures and goal setting while managing progress.

Risk Management

Risk Management

As far as risk management is concerned, we have established an ERM system that in addition to identifying Group-wide major risks, shares and manages these risks within the Group. Risks related to such environmental issues as resource recycling are also assessed in an integrated manner, together with other risks that are expected to have a significant impact on management. Risks that effect the Group as a whole and each organization, including resource recycling are shared and deliberated at Board of Directors, Sustainability Committee, Management meetings, and subcommittee meetings.

Indicators and Targets

Resource Recycling Targets

Aim: Promote resource recycling

Indicator 1: Reduction rate of the amount of waste generated per unit of production

Current Medium-term Management Plan Target (final year: FY2025) Per unit of production -3% (compared with FY2022)
FY2023 Results +0.3% (compared with FY2022)
2030 Target ー
2050 Target Achieve a circular economy

Indicator 2: Recycling rate for waste plastic materials

Current Medium-term Management Plan Target (final year: FY2025) Japan: 65% Overseas: Base +5%
FY2023 Results 60.7% (Japan)
2030 Target 100%

Indicator 3: Reduction rate of copier paper use per unit of people

Current Medium-term Management Plan Target (final year: FY2025) -3% (compared with FY2022)
FY2023 Results -6.6% (compared with FY2022)
2030 Target ー
2050 Target Achieve a circular economy

Indicator 4. Reduction rate of the amount of waste generated per building at new housing construction sites

Current Medium-term Management Plan Target (final year: FY2025) -12% (compared with FY2022)
FY2023 Results -5.2% (compared with FY2022)
2030 Target ー
2050 Target Achieve a circular economy

Major Initiatives

Waste Plastic Initiatives

Promotion Material Recycling

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group defines mechanical and chemical recycling as material recycling, and is working to maximize material recycling using existing technologies. In addition to promoting the recycling of these materials as in-house raw materials, we are also advancing the selection of treatment methods with an emphasis on material recycling.
As far as waste that is difficult to manage using material recycling is concerned, we are also working to establish new treatment methods.

Use of Quality Evaluations to Improve the Material Recycling Rate

In order to mitigate and resolve risks not only with regard to resource recycling issues, but also other environmental issues, and to ensure international competitiveness through the sustainable development of products and businesses, it is vital that the Group promotes the use of plastic as a material, while also identifying the accelerated use of recycling methods. Working also to identify material recycling technologies that should be prioritized and to promote higher quality recycling, we have clarified our stance toward recycling and are determining the initiatives to be taken based on the following three assessment criteria.

[Stance Toward Recycling]
  • Minimum resource consumption
  • Minimal GHG emissions during the process of reuse
  • Expansion of waste recycling through innovation
[Evaluation Scale]
  • Recycling properties
  • Amount of CO2 emission reduction through the use of waste plastics
  • Degree of contribution to the environment (handling of difficult-to-recycle materials, etc.)
  • In terms of recyclability, there are various methods of material recycling (e.g., horizontal recycling of plastics, cascade recycling, use as other functional materials, etc.). Accordingly, the Group evaluates the recycling properties that it aims for.
  • In terms of reducing CO2 emissions, we evaluate the positive impact of material recycling on climatic change, and ensure there is no negative impact.
  • In terms of the degree of contribution to the environment, we evaluate the social significance and degree of environmental contribution of processing difficult-to-recycle materials*.
  • Difficult-to-recycle materials: Materials that are currently difficult to dispose of and can only be thermally recycled or landfilled

Accelerating Efforts through Internal Measures

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has initiated the following measures and mechanisms to realize its plan to turn waste plastic into materials.

  • 1.
    Use of resource recycling support measures
    In order to promote the recycling of waste plastics into materials using high-quality recycling methods, we have considered and are implementing resource recycling support measures that provide financial support for initiatives and equipment according to the amount of resources recycled into materials from fiscal 2024.
  • 2.
    Establishment of an environment in which to consider and conduct research on plastic resource recycling
    Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company , which engages in business using highly durable plastic products such as infrastructure, has established a resource recycling working group to consider the issue of turning waste plastic into materials. The goal is to accelerate the resource recycling of waste plastic at business sites and research institutes, and to promote the development and evaluation of new recycling technologies for difficult-to-recycle materials. Once a quarter, we hold a plastic resources recycling review meeting to share progress on initiatives and to horizontally deploy good practices.

Promoting the Reduction of Packaging Materials

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has long engaged in efforts to reduce the volume of packaging materials, employ reusable boxes*, and eliminate packaging.
We have been actively working to reduce packaging since the early 2000s, and have achieved certain results. We will continue to undertake these activities and strive to reduce packaging material waste.

  • Boxes that can be used multiple times to ship materials, parts, and products between locations.

Promoting Construction Material Recycling

The entire housing industry is engaged in the efficient use and recycling of construction materials. As a member of this industry, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is reducing the amount of construction waste produced when building houses and promoting recycling.

Converting External Wall Panel Scrap into Raw Material for Products

At the Gunma and Mizukuchi business sites of Sekisui Board Co., Ltd., which manufacture exterior wall panels for Sekisui Heim, scraps are generated during the production process. In addition to reducing the amount of scraps produced as much as possible, these sites are also promoting in-house material recycling.
In addition to reducing the amount of scraps produced as much as possible, these sites are also promoting in-house material recycling.
Specifically, wood chips and cement are used as recycled raw materials by crushing and sorting the scraps generated in the process of making exterior wall panel products.

Contributing to Resource Recycling through Business

Without realizing a circular economy in 2050, there can be no decarbonized society. Based on its resource recycling strategy and roadmap, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is looking to convert plastic raw materials to non-fossil fuel-derived or recyclable raw materials, and is reviewing product designs that contribute to the recycling of existing products. We will promote the creation and market expansion of Products to Enhance Sustainability in an effort to accelerate contributions through our businesses.

[Examples of Products That Contribute to Resource Recycling]
  • <Housing>
    Remodeling menus to extend the life of products and services when reusing homes
    • Example)
      Be-Heim, a service that allows a customer to pass on a home to another customers and continue to live in it with peace of mind.
  • <Building and Civil Engineering>
    Products that use recycled plastic as a raw material
    • Example)
      Products that enable temporary storage of rainwater in the event of a torrential downpour (rainwater storage material Cross-Wave)
      Infrastructure with resource recycling properties (foamed three-layer pipes)
  • <Innovative Mobility>
    Buy-back system that collects customer scraps for reuse as raw materials (SEKISUI KYDEX product)
[Initiatives Undertaken in Collaboration with Other Companies]
Initiatives for the social implementation of Biorefinery (BR) technologies

We believe that in order to recycle resources, it is essential to collaborate with companies and organizations that are responsible for each process of the product's life cycle.
Through a joint development project with U.S.-based venture company Lanzatec, NZ, Inc., we have established a technology to convert combustible waste into ethanol using a microbial catalyst.
In order to validate the viability and commercial application of this chemical recycling technology, which is essential to resource recycling, SEKISUI CHEMICAL, INCJ, Ltd., and SEKISUI BIO REFINERY CO., Ltd. are operating a demonstration plant approximately 1/10th the size of a commercial plant in Kuji City, Iwate Prefecture. Plans are in place for the ethanol produced at the plant to be recycled as a raw material for plastics in collaboration with SUMITOMO CHEMICAL CO., LTD.

Initiative Collaboration

As far as the issue of resource recycling is concerned, we are collaborating with various entities, including other companies and organizations, to achieve our long-term goals, thereby expanding our contributions toward the resolution of issues and raising the potential to achieve milestones ahead of schedule. Based on the aforementioned, the Group participates in and registers with various initiatives and organizations, including forums. When participating or registering, we confirm that founding principles, the direction of initiatives, and goals are consistent with the Group.
Our continued participation is determined on an annual basis to ensure that there are no discrepancies in the direction in which we are heading. In the event that the direction differs, steps will be taken to withdraw from the initiative, forum, or other organization.

[Initiatives, Forums, etc. in which the Group Participates or has Registered]
Clean Ocean Materials Alliance (CLOMA)
  • Organizer・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
    Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
  • Significance/Objectives・・・
    To solve the issue of marine plastic waste, which is a global environmental issue
  • Activities・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
    Aiming for the more sustainable use of plastic products, and the development, introduction and popularization of innovative substitutes that will lead to a reduction of plastic waste.
  • Our role・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
    The Company chairs Working Group 3 (WG3), one of five key action working groups that promote activities aimed at plastic recycling through corporate collaboration. WG3 focuses on the development and social implementation of chemical recycling technologies as well as efforts to identify and clear issues in connection with the promotion of related companies.
    In fiscal 2023, we formulated and published a position paper on chemical recycling technology. In the future, we plan to use this position paper to drive dialogue with various government agencies, municipalities, brand owners, consumers, and other stakeholders in order to resolve various issues.
Japan Partnership for Circular Economy (J4CE)
  • Organizer・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
    Japan’s Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Japan Business Federation.
  • Significance/Objectives・・・
    To further foster understanding and promote efforts by a wide range of responsible parties, including domestic companies, as the trend toward a circular economy accelerates on a worldwide basis.
  • Activities・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
    Introduction of case studies through case study brochures, dissemination of information for the general public, and support for inter-company collaboration.
  • Our role・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
    To accelerate the creation and social implementation of new recycling businesses by disseminating case studies and providing feedback on internal technologies and measures based on an understanding of the latest information.
Japan Circular Economy Partnership (J-CEP)
  • Significance/Objectives・・・
    To create a society where things, information, and feelings revolve around each other by considering everything as a resource and designing relationships.
  • Activities・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
    「1. Engaging in (1) the optimal recycling of resources in Japan and (2) the creation of businesses that contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
  • Our role・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
    As a member of a consortium of companies, we contribute to the realization of a circular economy by disseminating case studies and providing technical cooperation.
Performance Data

Waste Generated by Production Sites

  • Note 1:
    Some past figures have been revised due to improvements in precision.
  • Note 2:
    In line with a change in the control of certain businesses in the UIEP and HPP companies implemented from October 2022, net sales for FY2022 of both companies are collated as if the change in control had been initiated from the beginning of FY2022.
  • Out_E42
  • Out_E43
  • Waste Generated by Production Sites, per Unit of Production (Index) / Japan

  • Waste Generated by Production Sites, per Unit of Production (Index) / Overseas

  • Note:
    Amount of waste generated: Only focusing on waste responsible by the production site is considered.
    Prototypes and inventory disposal due to the responsibility of the Divisional Companies are not included.

Production Site Waste Generation and Disposal / Japan and Overseas

  Total Waste Recycled Waste Unrecycled Waste
FY2018 76,249 65,525 10,724
FY2019 70,947 61,928 9,020
FY2020 67,555 58,435 9,120
FY2021 68,939 63,243 5,696
FY2022 71,179 63,139 8,040
FY2023 64,943 57,971 6,972
  • Out_E44

FY2023 Annual Production Site Waste Generation and Disposal / Japan and Overseas

Note: Change over previous year is in ( ) and proportion of total waste generation is in [ ].

  • Out_E45
  • Out_E46
  • Breakdown of Waste Generated at Production Sites / Japan

  • Breakdown of Waste Generated at Production Sites / Overseas

Index Calculation Method
Generated Waste Amount Amount of waste generated = Amount of waste collection outsourced + Amount recycled (incinerated waste to energy + recycled back to materials + recyclable waste sold) + Amount incinerated in-house; the items below are excluded:
Waste generated by demolition of customers’ old houses, remains of construction work at our sites, disposal of machinery, office equipment, etc., medical waste from medical treatment in in-house clinics
  • Out_E47

Amount of Hazardous Waste Generated / Recycling rate (Japan and Overseas) FY2023

Index Calculation Method
Amount of Hazardous Waste Generated and Recycling Rate Recycling rate = Amount of recycled waste / Amount of hazardous waste generated
Hazardous substance: Oil waste, acidic waste, alkaline waste
Recycling: Material recycling

Waste Generated on Construction Sites of New Housing

  • Out_E48

Amount of Waste Generated on Construction Sites of New Housing (per Building) / Japan

Index Calculation Method
Amount of waste generated per building at construction sites

Amount of waste generated per building at new housing construction sites = Total amount of waste generated at new housing construction sites / Number of new houses sold

  • Note:
    Reference: Amount of waste generated during new housing construction = Amount of waste generated during construction of outer walls (at factories) + Amount of waste generated during assembly (at factories) + Amount of waste generated at new housing construction sites

Amount of waste generated per building during new housing construction = Total amount of waste generated during new housing construction / Number of new houses sold
Scope: Housing business in Japan

Waste Generated in Offices

  • Out_E49

Amount of Copy Paper Used at Offices per Person (Index)

  • Note:
    Some past figures have been revised due to improvements in precision.
Indicator Calculation Method
Amount of Copy Paper Used at Offices per Unit of Output Amount of Copy Paper Used at Offices per Unit of Output = Amount of Copy Paper Used at Offices / Office Personnel

Disclosure of the Recycling Status of Waste Plastics in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Resource Circulation for Plastics.
(Status of FY2023 Emissions and Recycling (Japan))

  Disclosure according to the Act on Promotion of Resource Circulation for Plastics Recycling as the Management Indicator for SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group
(including waste sold as raw materials)
  Waste emissions (ton) Rate of recycling
Rate of thermal recycling(%) Rate of recycling
Waste emissions (ton) Rate of recycling
Rate of thermal recycling(%) Rate of recycling
  2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023
SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. 4,487 4,417 9.5 8.1 83.4 85.0 92.9 93.1 9,995 9,946 58.4 59.2 37.5 37.7 95.8 96.9
Hokkaido Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. 48 31 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 48 31 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Tohoku Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. 21 17 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 28 31 24.4 45.1 75.6 54.9 100.0 100.0
Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. 358 316 2.5 1.8 97.5 97.3 100.0 99.2 486 430 17.0 16.2 83.0 83.2 100.0 99.4
Chushikoku Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. 80 54 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 84 57 5.4 5.1 94.6 94.9 100.0 100.0
Kyushu Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. 75 43 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 75 50 0.0 13.9 100.0 86.1 100.0 100.0
Sekisui Board Co., Ltd. 67 96 0.0 24.2 100.0 75.8 100.0 100.0 67 96 0.0 24.2 100.0 75.8 100.0 100.0
Higashinihon Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. 2 1 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 10 9 84.5 94.1 15.5 0.0 100.0 94.1
Nishinihon Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. 153 181 0.0 0.4 100.0 99.6 100.0 100.0 157 181 2.2 0.4 97.8 99.6 100.0 100.0
Sekisui Chemical Hokkaido Co., Ltd. 277 285 68.1 74.5 31.9 25.5 100.0 100.0 370 309 76.0 76.5 24.0 23.5 100.0 100.0
Chiba Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. 128 98 16.7 37.7 68.9 15.9 85.6 53.6 166 153 36.0 60.1 52.9 10.2 88.9 70.2
Toto Sekisui Co., Ltd. 284 311 0.0 0.0 100.0 92.0 100.0 92.0 758 806 62.5 61.5 37.5 35.4 100.0 96.9
Yamanashi Sekisui Co., Ltd. 115 158 78.7 86.5 21.3 13.5 100.0 100.0 389 464 93.7 95.4 6.3 4.6 100.0 100.0
Nara Sekisui Co., Ltd. 247 192 1.0 18.6 6.8 35.8 7.8 54.4 266 220 8.0 28.8 6.3 31.3 14.3 60.1
Shikoku Sekisui Co., Ltd. 300 14 0.0 0.0 95.0 100.0 95.0 100.0 685 307 56.3 95.3 41.6 4.7 97.8 100.0
Kyushu Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. 96 107 65.0 70.1 35.0 29.9 100.0 100.0 840 507 96.0 93.7 4.0 6.3 100.0 100.0
Sekisui Techno Molding Co., Ltd. 73 71 3.0 42.5 53.3 56.1 56.3 98.6 469 598 78.8 87.5 14.5 12.4 93.2 99.8
Sekisui Fuller Company, Ltd. 94 90 0.0 0.0 100.0 84.9 100.0 84.9 136 145 30.8 38.1 69.2 52.6 100.0 90.7
SEKISUI MEDICAL CO., LTD. 66 74 0.0 0.6 98.6 99.2 98.6 99.8 66 75 0.0 2.1 98.6 97.7 98.6 99.8
Sekisui Nano Coat Technology Co., Ltd. 79 88 0.0 0.0 96.2 100.0 96.2 100.0 79 88 0.0 0.0 96.2 100.0 96.2 100.0
Tokuyama Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. 252 120 0.0 0.0 55.6 89.6 55.6 89.6 427 464 41.0 74.1 32.8 23.2 73.8 97.3
Sekisui Polymatech Co., Ltd. 230 229 0.0 0.0 0.0 98.7 0.0 98.7 230 229 0.0 0.0 0.0 98.7 0.0 98.7
Sekisui SoflanWiz Co., Ltd. 70 50 0.0 0.0 54.5 11.4 54.5 11.4 70 50 0.0 0.0 54.5 11.4 54.5 11.4
Sekisui Seikei, Ltd. 188 152 15.3 11.7 84.7 80.9 100.0 92.6 1,201 986 86.7 86.4 13.3 12.4 100.0 98.9
Sekisui LB Tec Co., Ltd. 100 58 8.9 13.1 0.0 0.0 8.9 13.1 100 58 8.9 13.1 0.0 0.0 8.9 13.1
Research Laboratory of Plastics Technology Co., Ltd. 7 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Group Total 7,897 7,259 10.7 13.0 75.6 78.7 86.3 91.6 17,208 16,297 57.9 60.7 35.2 35.6 93.1 96.3
  • Rate of recycling:
    Material recycling and Chemical recycling
  • Rate of recycling (broad):
    Material recycling, chemical recycling, and thermal recycling
  • Note:
    Some past figures have been revised due to improvements in precision