Stakeholder Engagement
- Strategy
- Major Initiatives
- Declaration of Support for Initiatives and Organizations in Which SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Participates
Basic Concept
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group believes that constructive dialogue to increase corporate value is important to build relationships of trust with its five stakeholders: Customers, Shareholders, Employees, Business Partners, Local Communities and the Environment.
Positioning stakeholders as partners when enhancing corporate value, and grasping their expectations and demands through constructive dialogue while solving issues for society as a whole will lead to significant business opportunities for the Group. In addition, we will further promote sustainable growth by building relationships of mutual prosperity with stakeholders.
In fiscal 2023 the ESG Management Department, which falls under the purview of the Representative Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer (Head of the ESG Management Department), took on the role and responsibility for promoting constructive dialogue with all stakeholders. The various evaluations and opinions received from our stakeholders are reported to the Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by the president and comprised of directors, to ensure that they are appropriately reflected in our corporate activities. Moreover, to secure the timely, appropriate, and proactive disclosure of information throughout the Group, we have formulated the Corporate Information Disclosure Regulations that encompass such items as the specific content of disclosure and disclosure systems based on our Principle of Corporate Information Disclosure, and disclose information in accordance with our IR (disclosure) Policy.
There were no significant concerns raised by stakeholders through each engagement in fiscal 2023.
Responsibility of SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group to Each Stakeholder and Communication Methods
Stakeholders | SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group’s Commitment | Contact | Communication Methods | Frequency |
Customers | We take the voices of our customers seriously, offer prominent products and services and strive to build a long-term relationship of trust with our customers. |
Shareholders | To meet the expectations of all our valued shareholders, we strive for highly efficient use of capital, fair ethical disclosure of information, adequate returns from profit, and increasing corporate value through sustainable growth. |
Employees | We foster among our employees a spirit of taking on new challenges and are actively creating workplaces where every employee can stand out and diverse human resources can both excel and feel that their work is worthwhile. |
Business partners | When procuring materials, we follow the fundamentals of being open, fair, compliant with the law and social norms, engaged in relationships of mutual trust, environmentally conscious, anti-corruption, and considerate of human rights. We aim to achieve coexistence and shared prosperity by building more robust partnerships with our business partners and engaging in fair trade. We are also engaged in promoting CSR based on cooperation with our business partners. |
Local communities | We emphasize a perspective that encompasses contributions to the development of communities through our business, coexistence with communities, and environmental conservation. We think about how to make measures that are tailored to the needs of each community and practice business in ways that engender trust. |
Global environment | We are engaged in expanding and creating the market for Sustainability contributing Products, reducing our environmental impacts, and conserving the natural environment— all with the aim of realizing “earth with maintained biodiversity.” |
Direct Dialogue Event Between Top Management and Employees
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group held "Vision Caravan 2023" (Japan/overseas) and "Meeting with the President/Top Management in 2023" as events for direct dialogue between top management and employees.
With fiscal 2023 the first year of the Medium-term Management Plan, Vision Caravan 2023 was an opportunity for top management to explain to employees the Group’s aspirations as outlined in its Long-term Vision, Vision 2030, and the role played by the Medium-term Management Plan, Drive 2.0, as a strategy to achieve the Vision.
Continuing on from fiscal 2022, the Meeting with the President/Top Management initiative was also held to allow employees to gain a true picture of top management and their intentions while generating increased energy through an improved sense of expectation and trust. Centered on the key words: Vision 2030, ESG management, and challenge, these events served as a forum for executives to offer their thoughts on achieving the Long-term Vision and to talk about their own experiences and challenges. In response, employees were able to directly ask questions and seek advice on how to address issue and better take on challenges. This process of mutual dialogue helped employees gain an understanding of the connection between their daily work and the Long-term Vision, and get hints on how they can contribute to the realization of the Long-term Vision through their work.
In addition to an online format, meetings were also held at production and other business sites. Employing a hybrid format of online and face-to-face meetings roughly 2800 employees participated in fiscal 2023.
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“Vision Caravan 2023” held in Japan
“Vision Caravan 2023” held overseas
Direct Dialogue with Investors to Promote Mutual Understanding
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group believes it is extremely important to engage in constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors in order to achieve sustainable growth and enhance corporate value over the medium to long term
We have therefore identified Active Engagement Between Investors and Management as one of our key issues, while the President and Senior Managing Executive Officer, Head of the Business Strategy Department are taking the lead in proactively holding quarterly financial results briefings and direct dialogue with shareholders and institutional investors to leverage our management strategy to enhance corporate value. During fiscal 2023, we held 80 engagements
We are strengthening information dissemination on our website with an awareness of fair disclosure while striving to reflect as much as possible the opinions and questions received through dialogue with shareholders and investors in the Integrated Report and other IR materials. In fiscal 2023, we formulated a new medium-term management plan to strengthen capital policy disclosure in a bid to secure growth, based on feedback from institutional investors, and held briefings for institutional investors and analysts. Details have been published on our website
In recent years, interest in ESG investment has grown globally, and ratings agencies are proactively undertaking surveys. SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group compiles and publishes its Sustainability Report based on rating agency questionnaires and third-party reviews, as well as referencing various report-drafting guidelines including GRI standards and considering the importance of the report to society and SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group.
Number of Times Active Engagement Conducted Between Investors and Management
FY2019 Results | FY2020 Results | FY2021 Results | FY2022 Results | FY2023 Results | |
Number of engagements* | 67 | 54 | 82 | 74 | 80 |
- The number of engagements represents the number of times the Company president and executives in charge of specific areas engaged in dialogue with investors.
Promoting Understanding and Acceptance of ESG Management Concepts Among Employees
We are promoting a variety of initiatives to deepen the understanding and penetration of various issues including SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group’s approach to ESG management.
We took steps to instill and promote a better understanding of the Group’s Long-term Vision, Vision 2030, and approach toward ESG management through Vision Caravan 2023 held in Japan and overseas in fiscal 2023.
Moreover, we implement ESG management training for new employees, newly appointed managers, and others based on their position.
In fiscal 2023, as in fiscal 2022, we held President Workshop meetings for the presidents of local subsidiaries outside of Japan. We were able to confirm the progress and effectiveness of challenging behavior and engagement improvement measures, and gain insights that will lead to the resolution of our own issues from other companies' case studies.
Communication Tools with Employees
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has published an in-house magazine (including a series of special features on ESG management) and the SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group ESG Management Reader’s Guide (introduction to ESG management), a tool to promote understanding of ESG management among all employees, in order to secure increased acceptance of the Group’s ESG management.
These communication tools and ESG-related materials are freely available for employees to download from the intranet, and are also distributed to all employees, regardless of whether they are regular or non-regular staff, on an as needed basis, for example when employees join the Company or when implementing ESG-related educational programs.
The regional headquarters disseminate ESG-related information to employees of their respective Group companies. In Europe, ESG-related information is posted on the intranet once a month, and in the U.S., ESG training based on each employee’s position is held on a regular basis. In China and Asia, we are working to raise employees' awareness of ESG by holding ESG poster competitions and creating animated videos.
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SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group’s ESG Management Readers’ Guide (ESG Management Introduction) / Japanese edition
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group’s ESG Management Readers’ Guide (ESG Management Introduction) / English edition
Distributing Value to Stakeholders
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group calculates distribution status based on financial statements by stakeholder, using GRI and other standards as a reference.
Stakeholders | Method of Calculating Amounts | FY2019 | FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 |
Shareholders | Dividends | 22,401 | 22,193 | 23,177 | 25,100 | 29,094 |
Business partners | Cost of sales, Selling costs /General administrative costs ( Excluding personnel costs ) |
829,809 | 778,554 | 858,944 | 926,822 | 930,019 |
Employees | Labor costs, Salaries and allowances as part of sales costs and general administrative costs, Provisions for bonuses, Provisions for retirement pay | 211,675 | 210,705 | 210,122 | 224,034 | 232,120 |
Local communities | Donations | 158 | 218 | 198 | 198 | 296 |
Global environment | Global environment | 17,850 | 16,207 | 27,522 | 26,373 | 16,115 |
Government and administrative bodies | Corporate taxes, local taxes, business taxes | 22,619 | 19,902 | 31,099 | 28,727 | 32,425 |
Creditors | Interest paid as part of costs apart from sales | 695 | 861 | 774 | 871 | 1,103 |
Declaration of Support for Initiatives and Organizations in Which SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Participates
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group respects international norms and standards including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ISO 26000, the OECD’s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the ILO’s International Labor Standards, and the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (Ruggie Framework). In March 2009, SEKISUI CHEMICAL signed the United Nations Global Compact*.
In addition, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is a supporter of the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) Declaration. As such, the Group is joining the front line of the global push for decarbonization from Japan.
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* United Nations Global Compact:A voluntary program in which top management of firms around the world pledge to comply with 10 principles on subjects such as human rights, labor standards, the environment, and anti-corruption efforts within the scopes of influence of their firms and participate in building a global framework for realizing sustainable growth.
Disclosure of Information Based on the Recommendations of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Task force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group declared its support for the recommendations put forward by the TCFD*1 in January 2019. The Group began disclosing information based on these recommendations from July 2019. Furthermore, in July 2023 we began addressing the Group's biodiversity issues based on a guide released by the TNFD*2 in February 2023*3. By promoting the disclosure of such information, we will strive to build a sustainable management infrastructure that includes relationships of trust with stakeholders.
*1 TCFD:Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, a task force established in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), an international organization that seeks to stabilize the financial system. It recommends that companies disclose information on their analysis of the impact of climate change on their finances.
*2 TNFD:Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures
A framework was established in 2021 for private companies and financial institutions to properly assess and disclose risks and opportunities related to natural capital and biodiversity. As a framework to follow TCFD, it aims to construct a disclosure framework for natural-related risks. -
*3Disclosed on the Company’s website under TCFD/TNFD Report 2023.
See the following for more information.
Major Organizations in Which SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Participates
Organization, Committee, Conference, etc. | Main Positions Undertaken by SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Personnel Including Directors |
Committee on Urban Policy and Housing Development, Japan Business Federation | Chair |
Planning Subcommittee, Committee on Responsible Business Conduct & SDGs Promotion, Japan Business Federation | Subcommittee Chairman |
Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation | Vice Chairman |
Japan Chemical Industry Association | Director |
The Japan Plastics Industry Federation | Director |
Kansai Chemical Industry Association | Managing Director |
Japan PVC Pipe and Fittings Association | Chair, Representative Director |
FRPM Pipes Association of Japan | Chair |
Japan Sewage Works Association | Advisory Council Director |
Federation of Japan Water Industries, Inc. | Director |
Japan Sewage Pipe Renewal Method Association | Vice Chairman, Director |
Japan Federation of Housing Organizations | Director |
Japan Prefabricated Construction Suppliers and Manufacturers Association | Managing Director |
The Machinami Foundation | Director |
The Provision of Quality Housing Stock Association (SumStock) | Vice Chairman |
Japan-China Association for Building and Housing Industry | Director |
Japan Adhesive Tape Manufacturers Association | Director |
Environmentally Symbiotic Housing Promotion Council | ー |
New Energy Foundation | ー |
Elderly Service Providers Association | ー |
SDGs: Smart Wellness Housing R&D Consortium | ー |
Senior Housing Association | ー |
Japan Housing Association | ー |
Geo-Heat Promotion Association of Japan | ー |
Nature Environment Coexistence Technology Association | ー |
RE100 | ー |
Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA) | ー |