SASB Content Index
Table 1. Sustainability Disclosure Topics & Accounting Metrics
Topic | Metric | Category | Unit of Measure | Code | Disclosure |
Land Use & Ecological Impacts | Number of (1) lots and (2) homes delivered on redevelopment sites | Quantitative | Number | IF-HB-160a.1 | ー |
Number of (1) lots and (2) homes delivered in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress | Quantitative | Number | IF-HB-160a.2 | ー | |
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with environmental regulations | Quantitative | Reporting currency | IF-HB-160a.3 | ■Environment ・Indicators and Targets > Setting Self-management Targets In fiscal 2023, there were no major violations of environmental laws and regulations related to such issues as the treatment of waste, water discharge, air emissions, and soil pollution. There were also no reports on incidences of administrative guidance. |
Discussion of process to integrate environmental considerations into site selection, site design, and site development and construction | Discussion and Analysis | n/a | IF-HB-160a.4 |
■Environment |
Workforce Health & Safety | (1) Total recordable incident rate (TRIR) and (2) fatality rate for (a) direct employees and (b) contract employees | Quantitative | Rate | IF-HB-320a.1 |
■Society |
Design for Resource Effciency |
(1) Number of homes that obtained a certified residential energy efficiency rating and (2) average rating | Quantitative | Number, Rating | IF-HB-410a.1 |
■Environment |
Percentage of installed water fixtures certified to a water efficiency standard | Quantitative | Quantitative | IF-HB-410a.2 | ー | |
Number of homes delivered certified to a third-party multi-attribute green building standard | Quantitative | Number | IF-HB-410a.3 |
■Environment |
Description of risks and opportunities related to incorporating resource efficiency into home design, and how benefits are communicated to customers | Discussion and Analysis | n/a | IF-HB-410a.4 |
■SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group’s Sustainability
■Environment |
Community Impacts of New Developments | Description of how proximity and access to infrastructure, services, and economic centers affect site selection and development decisions | Discussion and Analysis | n/a | IF-HB-410b.1 | ー |
Number of (1) lots and (2) homes delivered on infill sites | Quantitative | Number | IF-HB-410b.2 | ー | |
(1) Number of homes delivered in compact developments and (2) average density |
Quantitative | Number | IF-HB-410b.3 | ー | |
Climate Change Adaptation | Number of lots located in 100-year flood zones | Quantitative | Number | IF-HB-420a.1 | ー |
Description of climate change risk exposure analysis, degree of systematic portfolio exposure, and strategies for mitigating risks | Discussion and Analysis | n/a | IF-HB-420a.2 |
■Environment |
Table 2. Activity Metrics
Activity Metric | Category | Unit of Measure | Code | Disclosure |
Number of controlled lots | Quantitative | Number | IF-HB-000.A | ー |
Number of homes delivered | Quantitative | Number | IF-HB-000.B | ー |
Number of active selling communities | Quantitative | Number | IF-HB-000.C | ー |
Table 1. Sustainability Disclosure Topics & Accounting Metrics
Topic | Metric | Category | Unit of Measure | Code | Disclosure |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Gross global Scope 1 emissions, percentage covered under emissions-limiting regulations | Quantitative | Metric tons (t) CO2-e, Percentage (%) |
RT-CH-110a.1 | ■Environment ・Climate Change > Performance Data > Greenhouse Gas Emissions throughout Our Supply Chain as a Whole (Classified by Scope) |
Discussion of long- and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets | Discussion and Analysis | n/a | RT-CH-110a.2 |
■Environment |
Air Quality | Air emissions of the following pollutants: (1) NOx (excluding N2O), (2) SOx, (3) volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and (4) hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) | Quantitative | Metric tons (t) | RT-CH-120a.1 |
■Environment |
Energy Management | (1) Total energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity, (3) percentage renewable, (4) total self-generated energy |
Quantitative | Gigajoules (GJ), Percentage (%) |
RT-CH-130a.1 |
■Environment |
Water Management | (1) Total water withdrawn, (2) total water consumed, percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress |
Quantitative | Thousand cubic meters (m³), Percentage (%) |
RT-CH-140a.1 |
■Environment |
Number of incidents of non-compliance associated with water quality permits, standards, and regulations | Quantitative | Number | RT-CH-140a.2 |
■Environment |
Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks | Discussion and Analysis | n/a | RT-CH-140a.3 |
■Environment |
Hazardous Waste Management | (1) Amount of hazardous waste generated, (2) percentage recycled |
Quantitative | Metric tons (t)、 Percentage (%) |
RT-CH-150a.1 |
■Environment |
Community Relations | Discussion of engagement processes to manage risks and opportunities associated with community interests | Discussion and Analysis | n/a | RT-CH-210a.1 |
■Society |
Workforce Health & Safety | (1) Total recordable incident rate (TRIR) and (2) fatality rate for (a) direct employees and (b) contract employees |
Quantitative | Rate | RT-CH-320a.1 |
■Society |
Description of efforts to assess, monitor, and reduce exposure of employees and contract workers to long-term (chronic) health risks | Discussion and Analysis | n/a | RT-CH-320a.2 |
■Society |
Product Design for Use-phase Efficiency | Revenue from products designed for usephase resource efficiency | Quantitative | Reporting currency | RT-CH-410a.1 | ■SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group’s Sustainability ・Products to Enhance Sustainability > Indicators and Targets > Net Sales / Proportion of Products to Enhance Sustainability |
Safety & Environmental Stewardship of Chemicals | (1) Percentage of products that contain Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) Category 1 and 2 Health and Environmental Hazardous Substances, (2) percentage of such products that have undergone a hazard assessment | Quantitative | Percentage (%) by revenue, Percentage (%) |
RT-CH-410b.1 | ー |
Discussion of strategy to (1) manage chemicals of concern and (2) develop alternatives with reduced human and/or environmental impact | Discussion and Analysis | n/a | RT-CH-410b.2 |
■Environment |
Genetically Modified Organisms | Percentage of products by revenue that contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) | Quantitative | Percentage (%) by revenue | RT-CH-410c.1 | ー |
Management of the Legal & Regulatory Environment | Discussion of corporate positions related to government regulations and/or policy proposals that address environmental and social factors affecting the industry | Discussion and Analysis | n/a | RT-CH-530a.1 |
■Environment |
Operational Safety, Emergency Preparedness & Response | Process Safety Incidents Count (PSIC), Process Safety Total Incident Rate (PSTIR), and Process Safety Incident Severity Rate (PSISR) | Quantitative | Number、Rate | RT-CH-540a.1 | ー |
Number of transport incidents | Quantitative | Number | RT-CH-540a.2 |
■Society |
Table 2. Activity Metrics
Activity Metric | Category | Unit of Measure | Code | Disclosure | Production by reportable segment | Quantitative | Cubic meters (m³) and / or metric tons (t) | RT-CH-000.A | ー |