Vision Management

Major Initiatives

Promoting Challenges (KPI: Employee Challenge Action Rate)

It is important for each and every employee to break free from convention while continuously taking on challenges in order to realize the Long-term Vision. With this in mind, we have set the employee challenge action rate as a human capital KPI. We regularly survey employees to determine whether they are actually taking challenging actions and whether the organization is conducive to this, and we use this information to make improvements at the workplace level.

Redefine indicators

In fiscal 2021 and fiscal 2022, the percentage of respondents who answered “yes” from a 4-answer selection consisting of "yes,", "somewhat applicable,” “somewhat not applicable,” and “no” to the question "I am taking concrete actions to engage in challenging behavior to realize Vision 2030” was used as an indicator. In order to more broadly recognize and develop the degree to which a culture of challenge is fostered, this indicator was redefined to include the percentage of respondents who answered "yes" or "somewhat applicable” from fiscal 2023.
The results of the survey and the analysis of comments on the degree of challenging behavior survey are as presented on the next page. Analysis results indicate that many employees are confused about what exactly they need to do to take challenging actions. We will continue to work on communicating our vision and incorporating it into work duties.

Performance Data
  • 08-01

Results of Employee Challenge Action Rate Survey

  • ・KPI
    : Percentage of respondents who answered "Yes" to the question "I am taking concrete actions to engage in challenging behavior to realize Vision 2030” in fiscal 2021 and fiscal 2022.
    Percentage of respondents who answered “Yes” or “Somewhat applicable” from fiscal 2023.
  • ・Survey scope
    : All employees (including full-time, non-fulltime, and dispatch employees) of 160 of the 165 Group companies surveyed.
  • ・Coverage rate
    : Percentage of companies surveyed among Group companies
  • ・Response rate
    : Employees who responded to the survey as a percentage of all employees of the companies where the survey was conducted.

Employee Challenge Action Rate Survey comment analysis

Top 7 factors that hinder concrete actions toward the realization of Vision 2030 and that discourage employees from engaging in challenging behavior.
Lack of sufficient information on what to do
Barriers between organizations
The Company is not working to develop human resources to adapt to change
Employees hold little or no hope of a future career at the Company
The performance evaluation system is not designed to encourage challenging behavior
Daily work is not enjoyable
The vision espoused by management does not engender excitement

Implementing the Long-term Vision

We are continuing activities to disseminate our Long-term Vision based on dialogue among senior management, line managers, and employees. In fiscal 2022, kick-off meetings were held on developing the next Medium-term Management Plan. Management spoke with key individuals involved in the development of the Medium-term Management Plan about their aspirations for the long term, and used this as a starting point for the development of the Medium-term Management Plan and the promotion of challenges throughout the line.
In addition, workshops for supervisors were held to encourage each employee to incorporate the challenge actions into their work commitments. At the workshop, participants deepened their understanding of the importance of challenges and management methods that lead to challenges for members.

Participation results

  • Meeting to kickoff the deployment of the next Medium-term Management Plan held on October 3, 2022 with 230 participants
  • Workshops for supervisors held 50 times, with 1,555 participants