SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group’s Various Policies

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Human Rights Policy

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group recognizes that it is our responsibility to protect human rights of all individuals affected by our business activities.
In order to advance efforts to promote respect for human rights, we hereby announce the adoption of SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Human Rights Policy (Policy), based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council in June 2011.
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group contributes to society through its business activities under its Corporate Philosophy, the 3S Principles (Service, Speed, and Superiority), in order to meet the expectations of its stakeholders. As part of our Group Vision,
residential and social infrastructure creation and chemical solutions are designated as the business domains that should be pursued, through which we are working to improve the lives of the people of the world and the Earth’s environment.
For the SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group to truly contribute to the achievement of a sustainable world, we understand that the human rights of all individuals within our sphere of influence must be respected.

  • 1.
    Basic principles on human rights
    The Policy is our promise to respect human rights, in order to fulfill our responsibilities to all stakeholders, based on our Corporate Philosophy and Group Vision. To that end we support and respect the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights (specifically the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), which sets out the basic human rights of every individual. Furthermore, in addition to the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work from the International Labour Organization (ILO)*, which sets out people’s fundamental rights at work, we also support and respect international human rights standards for workers adopted in conventions on such matters as wages and working hours, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Lastly, as a company that has signed up to the United Nations Global Compact (GC), we support and respect the GC Ten Principles.
    • This includes support and respect for the ILO’s Core Labour Standards: the effective abolition of child labour, the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour, the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, a safe and healthy working environment.
  • 2.
    The Policy is applicable to all employees and executive officers of SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group. Our Group also requires all of our business partners to comply with the Policy in connection with our products and services.
  • 3.
    Responsibility to respect human rights
    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is aware that it is not possible to completely eliminate every possibility of an adverse impact from its business activities. That said, we aim to fulfill our responsibility of promoting respect for human rights by building a responsible supply chain that avoids infringing the human rights of the people affected by our business activities, and, if our business activities do have an adverse impact on someone’s human rights, appropriate action will be taken in an effort to rectify that situation.
  • 4.
    Human rights due diligence
    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will establish a system of human rights due diligence to identify, prevent and mitigate any adverse impacts on human rights that our Group causes in society.
  • 5.
    Dialogue and consultation
    In its implementation of the Policy, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will engage in earnest dialogue and consultation with our stakeholders, and will apply expert human rights knowledge from independent third parties.
  • 6.
    Education and training
    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will provide education and training as is appropriate to ensure that the Policy becomes an incorporated part of all of our business activities and is implemented effectively.
  • 7.
    If it emerges that SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group’s business activities have had adverse impact on someone’s human rights, or if our involvement in the same through for example one of our business relationships emerges or is suspected, we will work to remedy the same through dialog and the appropriate processes in line with international standards.
  • 8.
    Responsible executive officer(s)
    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will entrust an executive officer or officers with the responsibilities for execution of the Policy, who will supervise its progress and status.
  • 9.
    Information disclosure
    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will disclose the progress and the results of our efforts to promote respect for human rights, on its website and through other media.
  • 10.
    Applicable laws and regulations
    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will comply with the laws and regulations of each of the countries and regions in which our business activities are conducted. Where there is a conflict between a country’s laws or regulations and internationally recognized human rights standards, our Group will pursue ways to respect international human rights principles to the maximum extent possible.

The Policy has received the approval of our board of directors and the signature of our President and Representative Director.

Date of Enactment: May 15, 2019
Date of Revision: March 1, 2020
Date of Revision: February 1, 2024

President and Representative Director

keita kato

Human rights issues

The following are salient human rights issues that SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is addressing in accordance with its human rights policy.

  • (1)
    We respect human rights and diversity of individuals. We do not tolerate discrimination based on nationality, race,
    ethnicity, religion, ideology, gender, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, or employment status, or any behavior that undermines individual dignity.
  • (2)
    We do not tolerate harassment of any kind, whether mental or physical, or any behavior that harms others.
  • (3)
    Forced Labor and Child Labor
    We do not tolerate forced labor, child labor, or any form of modern slavery, including human trafficking.
  • (4)
    Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining
    We respect the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
  • (5)
    Occupational health and safety
    We will comply with laws and regulations concerning workplace safety and health, and will create a safe and healthy work environment by giving due consideration to such laws and regulations.
  • (6)
    Working hours and wages
    We shall comply with all laws and regulations concerning working hours and wages, and shall consider fair and equal wages for employees and business partners.

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Environmental Management Policy


Working hand-in-hand with a variety of stakeholders*1, we, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group, aim to contribute to returns to natural capital and the realization of an earth with maintained biodiversity by enabling the continuous growth and co-existence of ecology and the economy.

  • Includes all upstream and downstream global supply chains.

Basic Policy

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group engages in various endeavors that contribute to carbon neutrality, a circular economy, and a society with abundant access to clean water in all of the countries and regions in which it operates.

  • 1.
    Contribute to the environment through the Group’s business
    We will work to develop products that contribute to the environment across all stages of the product life cycle*2from research to procurement, production, sales, use, and disposal as waste and expand applicable markets.
    • We will promote initiatives in collaboration with all upstream and downstream global value chains, including raw material suppliers.
  • 2.
    Minimize environmental impact and prevent pollution
    We will work to reduce environmental impact*3 and prevent pollution throughout the product lifecycle, and develop measures in cooperation with stakeholders.
    • Activities to reduce environmental impact, including the reduction of GHG emissions and recycling of resources as well as water.
  • 3.
    We will enhance our ability to resolve environmental issues through continuous training, participation in social contribution activities promoted by business sites, and self-improvement.
  • 4.
    Comply with statutory and regulatory requirements
    We will observe the related laws, regulations, and international rules.
  • 5.
    Contribute to society
    We will engage in social contribution activities focusing on the environment, next-generation education, and local communities, and support activities aimed at solving environmental issues by NPOs and local governments.
  • 6.
    Enhance the Group’s credibility
    We will maintain transparency in our activities and results, regularly report on progress, and communicate closely with stakeholders to build trust.

[Policy Toward Mitigating and Addressing Climate Change]


SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group recognizes the serious impact of global warming and climate change on humanity and the global environment, and pledges to act proactively and responsibly.
We place the utmost importance on mitigating and addressing climate change, minimizing our impact on the environment, and contributing to the realization of a low-carbon society.
We will maintain transparency in our actions and results, regularly report on progress, and prioritize dialogue with various stakeholders.

Basic Policy

  • <Efforts to Mitigate Climate Change>

    • We will work to develop and expand products that reduce GHG emissions across all stages of the product life cycle*from research to procurement, production, sales, use, and disposal as waste.
    • We will set targets based on scientific evidence to vigorously reduce GHG emissions. Moreover, we will continuously contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions through various initiatives, including efforts to increase energy efficiency, utilize renewable energy, and conserve resources.
    • We will continuously contribute to efforts aimed at fixing the amount of CO2 by promoting the procurement of timber in line with the Group’s Timber Procurement Policy and Sustainable Timber Procurement Guidelines.
    • We will develop human resources who are aware of all relevant issues and who actively consider and implement measures to reduce GHG emissions by promoting nature conservation activities, including reforestation.
  • <Efforts to Address Climate Change>

    • We will work to develop and expand products that can transform social systems and limit the damage caused by natural disasters that are becoming more frequent and devastating as a result of climate change.
    • We will put in place a BCP, develop leaders who are highly sensitive to risks, and conduct human resources training to ensure that our business activities can continue even in the event of frequent and severe disasters caused by climate change.
  • All upstream and downstream global value chains, including raw material suppliers. We will also promote measures by joining and collaborating with related organizations and initiatives that share the same mission and objectives.

[Resource Recycling Policy]


In partnership with the supply chain*, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will work to minimize the use of virgin raw materials derived from fossil fuels, promote resource recycling, and realize a circular economy through its businesses.

Basic Policy

  • Promote innovation that contributes to resource recycling
  • Expand the use of non-fossil fuel-based and recycled materials in our business activities
  • Maximize the recycling of waste generated throughout the life cycle into materials
  • All upstream and downstream global value chains, including raw material suppliers. We will also promote measures by joining and collaborating with related organizations and initiatives that share the same mission and objectives.

[Water Resources Policy]


Water is an essential resource for all life on earth (maintenance activities) and for the business activities of companies. As such, the sustainable use and management of water resources are an absolute must.
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is acutely aware of the importance of water resources and is committed to promoting its sustainable use and management to ensure a society with abundant access to clean water.
We will maintain transparency in our actions and results, regularly report on progress, and prioritize dialogue with various stakeholders.

Basic Policy

  • 1.
    Contribute to the reduction of water-related risk through our business activities

    We will contribute to society through our business by developing water infrastructure, including water purification, supply, storage, and drainage facilities, so that people, companies, and organizations around the world can have access to the quality and quantity of water they need.
    We will also help build a resilient water infrastructure that can quickly be restored while minimizing water-related risks in the event of a disaster.

  • 2.
    Ensure the efficient use and conservation of water resources (risks posed by the Group)

    We will work to ensure the efficient and minimal use of water resources. In addition, we will preserve and improve water quality through proper treatment and handling.

  • 3.
    Reduce water-related risks with respect to business activities and the global value chain (risks to which the Group is exposed)

    We will identify, manage, and minimize water-related risks, including local water stress, water scarcity, and water pollution in our business activities and all the upstream and downstream global value chains in which we operate.

  • 4.
    Promote sustainable water use through collaboration with stakeholders*.

    We will collaborate with stakeholders and reduce water-related risks. We will promote the sustainable use of water in each region by establishing water projects in partnership with suppliers and customers, and through water conservation activities in cooperation with local communities.

  • All upstream and downstream global value chains, including raw material suppliers. We will also promote measures by joining and collaborating with related organizations and initiatives that share the same mission and objectives.

[Biodiversity Policy]


The business activities of SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group benefit from the many blessings that nature's wisdom provides in maintaining a healthy balance of species, ecosystem services, and ecosystem hierarchies in biodiversity. Meanwhile, the Group depends on biodiversity while imposing impacts. Recognizing this, we view nature as valuable "natural capital" and understand the impact of its use. Accordingly, we will implement measures, including product development, market expansion, and corporate activities that reduce any negative impact while increasing positive impacts on natural capital.

We will promote the efficient use of limited resources and energy, and strive to reduce the environmental impact caused by greenhouse gases and hazardous chemical substances while preventing pollution. At the same time, we will endeavor to improve product functions and services so that our customers who use our products can contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.

We will collaborate with various stakeholders to conserve and restore biodiversity in a bid to achieve nature positivity* 1 through various environmentally conscious endeavors and contributions across our business activities and environmental conservation activities around the world, while making returns that have a more positive impact on natural capital than the natural capital we use.

  1. Nature positivity: To halt further deterioration from a global scale biodiversity perspective and positively increase natural capital.

Basic Policy

  • We will work to comprehensively understand and manage the relationship between our corporate activities and the dependence and impact of biodiversity, and place importance on biodiversity.
  • We will minimize any negative impact by giving full consideration to biodiversity at all stages of the product life cycle*2.
  • We will contribute to the conservation and restoration of biodiversity through our business activities and initiatives.
    • Upstream and downstream global value chains, including raw material suppliers. We will also promote measures by joining and collaborating with related organizations and initiatives that share the same mission and objectives.

    Land Use Policy

    • 1.
      In principle, we will not engage in the use and development of land that entails conversion activities in the vicinity of valuable ecosystems.
    • 2.
      In the event of new land use or a change in the use of existing land, we will assess the impact on biodiversity and work to minimize of any identified negative impact.
    • 3.
      As far as the land that we manage and use on an ongoing basis is concerned, we will work to conserve biodiversity and restore the potential biodiversity of land with its inherent ecological hierarchy preserved.

    Declaration of Zero Deforestation

    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will not engage in any direct or indirect deforestation activities throughout the entire life cycle of its products, including raw material procurement.

    [Biodiversity Action Guidelines]

    • 1.
      Identify and grasp dependencies and impacts on biodiversity throughout the global value chain and reduce any negative impact

      We will comprehensively identify the dependence and impact of our business activities on biodiversity throughout the entire upstream and downstream global value chain, including raw material suppliers, and consider how to avoid, minimize, recover, and offset any negative impact on the ecosystem at all stages of the product life cycle (from raw materials to manufacturing, use, and disposal after use).

    • 2.
      Contribute to the conservation and restoration of biodiversity through various business means, including product functions and services

      We will work to develop and deploy technologies and products that contribute to the conservation and restoration of biodiversity, while learning from the natural world's waste-free materials and energy circulation system and making use of its wisdom in manufacturing.

    • 3.
      Enhance employee knowledge and capacity to act to conserve biodiversity

      We will work to conserve biodiversity by enhancing employees’ knowledge and capacity to act through the promotion of social contribution activities, including training and nature conservation activities.

    • 4.
      Engage in dialogue and collaborate with stakeholders and promote conservation activities

      We will promote biodiversity conservation by engaging in dialogue with various stakeholders and working together toward the same goal.

    • 5.
      Transmit and disseminate information and raise awareness

      To remain a company that is trusted by and meets the expectations of society, we will take the lead in disclosing information on our dependence on and impact on biodiversity as well as our achievements in mitigating and conserving biodiversity. We will also contribute to raising awareness and promoting a sustainable society.

    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group CS & Quality Management Policy


    We, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group, consider CS & Quality as our central concept of management and will consistently innovate to maintain the quality of products throughout all our activities, continuously provide values (goods and services) that meet customer expectations, strive for selection by our customers on an ongoing basis, and develop and grow with the customer over the long time.

    Basic Policy

    We, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group, consider Customer's Feedback as precious resources for management and strive to innovate about Quality of Products, Quality of People and Quality of Systems based on the motto: We consider customer's feedback as the beginning of our manufacturing. Furthermore, we contribute to the realization of a safe and affluent society by continuously providing our customers and their communities with new value.

    • 1.
      Ensuring basic qualities
      To ensure the reliability and safety of our manufactured products, which form the basis of Product Quality, we effectively leverage customer's feedback and dedicate ourselves with a strong belief in forestalling any potential trouble and preventing any future recurrence throughout our entire value chain.
    • 2.
      Creating attractive qualities
      We aim to share the excitement of our customers by thoroughly pursuing what the customer values and constantly creating attractive products and services that should realize such customer values.
    • 3.
      Upgrading technological capabilities
      For the sake of ensuring Basic Qualities and for creating Attractive Qualities, we are upgrading our technological capabilities in all fields in order to achieve superb manufacturing development.
    • 4.
      Enhancing communication
      We value communication with our customers and the community and make sincere efforts when dealing with them as well as complying with the relevant laws and regulations in each country and region. We place special emphasis on resolving customer complaints or claims at an early stage by responding promptly and empathetically.
    • 5.
      Providing thorough employee education
      To gain and maintain the full trust and impression of our customers, we provide employees with continuous CS & Quality education as well as motivating our employees to achieve self-realization through customer satisfaction.

    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Compliance Policy

    • 1.
      SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Compliance
      We believe in integrity, and will raise compliance awareness and conduct ourselves in a compliance-oriented manner to ensure that SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group can be trusted by society at large.
    • 2.
      Relationship with Society
      • 1)
        Accounting Processing
        We will carry out the proper accounting process based on facts and prepare financial statements properly.
      • 2)
        Government Laws and Regulations
        When undertaking sales activities, we will obtain any necessary permits and licenses, and will ensure that we always undertake renewal procedures and other such procedures in order to comply with administrative laws and regulations.
      • 3)
        Security Export Control
        We will not export any arms, weapons, and related technologies that may harm international peace and security.
      • 4)
        Political Donations
        We will not give illegal political donations.
      • 5)
        Rejection of Association with Antisocial Forces
        We will take a firm stance toward antisocial forces, and will not associate with such forces in any way.
      • 6)
        Prohibition on Insider Dealings
        If we become aware of insider information of SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group or any of its business partners in the course of our work, we will not divulge it to any third party or trade in their shares until such information is made public.
      • 7)
        Disclosure of Corporate Information
        On the basis of our Principle of Corporate Information Disclosure we will disclose corporate information in a fair, timely, and appropriate fashion.
      • 8)
        Conservation of the Global Environment
        We are fully aware of the importance of environmental protection, and will endeavor to reduce our environmental impacts in all stages of our business activities ranging from product research and development to the procurement of raw materials, production, sales, and transportation and to contribute to environmental protection through SEKISUI products.
      • 9)
        Respect for Human Rights and Prohibition of Discrimination
        On the basis of the SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Human Rights Policy, we will respect the human rights of each and every person who is affected by our Group’s business activities, and will strive to ensure we do not violate human rights
    • 3.
      Relationship with Customers, Business Partners, and Competitors
      • 1)
        Product Safety
        For the manufacture, development, sale, transport, maintenance, and repair of products, we will always pay attention to safety, fully understand laws and safety standards related to the safety of products, and observe them, to supply better products to customers.
      • 2)
        Ensuring Sound Quality
        We will not engage in misconduct regarding quality that leads to quality scandals, such as concealing product safety defects, misrepresenting performance, failing to comply with product-specific laws and regulations or official certification requirements, fraudulent labeling, and falsifying or fabricating quality data.
      • 3)
        Marketing and Sales Activities in Good Faith
        We will conduct marketing and sales activities with consideration given to the interests of customers and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including the Consumer Contract Act, the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions, and the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations.
      • 4)
        Compliance with Antitrust and Competition Laws
        We will not, under any circumstances, engage in conduct that constitutes a violation of antitrust and competition laws such as cartels, bid-rigging, constraints on resale price, or transactions with constraint conditions, and always strive to engage in fair and free business competition.
      • 5)
        Fair Trading with Business Partners, Compliance with the Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, etc. to Subcontractors
        We will respect the rights of our business partners, deal with them honestly and in good faith, and treat them fairly and equitably.
      • 6)
        Corruption Prevention
        We will never engage in conduct that is considered or could be construed as bribery. We will also take care so as not to be complicit in money laundering.
      • 7)
        Conflicts of Interest
        If there is a conflict of interest between the company’s interests and the interests of an individual in our dealings, we will consider the matter from the perspective of whether our actions are beneficial for the company,
        and ensure that we do not cause any damage to the company.
    • 4.
      Relationship with Employees
      • 1)
        Power Harassment
        We will not abuse our power or engage in any acts equivalent to an abuse of power toward others.
      • 2)
        Sexual Harassment
        We will not engage in sexual harassment or any acts that are equivalent to sexual harassment.
      • 3)
        Compliance with Labor Relations Laws
        We will comply with the labor relations laws to commit ourselves to maintaining a healthy and safe work environment.
    • 5.
      Relationship with the Company’s Property
      • 1)
        Proper Management and Protection of the Company’s Property
        We will ensure adequate management of the company's property, whether tangible or intangible, and prevent assets from being damaged or stolen, or trade secrets from being divulged.
      • 2)
        Proper Use of Intellectual Property
        We will use intellectual property, which is the company's valuable assets, in an appropriate manner and ensure the protection of the intellectual property rights.
      • 3)
        Proper Management and Protection of Personal Information
        We will specify the purpose of use of personal information to the extent possible, clearly state this prior to obtaining such information in a fair manner, and use it only within the scope of the stated purpose. We will also handle personal information appropriately in accordance with the relevant laws.

    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Human Resources Policy


    Based on our belief that employees are precious assets bestowed on us by society, we, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group,
    are committed to developing an environment where employees can work enthusiastically. We also offer various opportunities through which we help individual employees enhance their specialties and support growth through challenges.
    With the recognition that it is our social responsibility to protect individual human rights, we respect the diversity,
    personality and individuality of each person, and promote various working styles as well as creating safe and secure working environments in response to conditions in each country and region.

    Basic Policy on Human Resources

    Goal: Everyone’s challenge is linked to efforts aimed at solving social issues

    • (1)
      Promote Diversity
      SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will foster an organizational culture in which all employees are able to work dynamically and make the most of their unique characteristics and talents.
    • (2)
      Encourage Challenge
      Support personnel who take the initiative and continue to take on challenges.
    • (3)
      Nurture Prominent Human Resources
      Support human resources who have their own unique skills to learn and grow on their own.
    • (4)
      Promote Teamwork
      We create workplace cultures that facilitate open communication on an equal footing, and in which members cooperate and respect each other
    • (5)
      Create safe and secure working environments
      We create working environments that ensure employees are both physically and mentally healthy, and that allow them to work safely
    • Note:
      Developed (1), (2), and (3) as the Human Resource Development Policy.

    Harassment Prevention Guidelines

    We never commit sexual harassment or other actions that stain personal character.

    • 1.
      We do not commit sexual harassment or any conduct that might be misunderstood as sexual harassment.
    • 2.
      We do not misuse the power of a superior position nor use any language or conduct that could sexually annoy any person. In addition, we prevent other employees from using such offensive language or conduct.

    Diversity Management Policy

    Diversity is essential to maintain our strong corporate presence for 100 years and beyond. We understand and recognize that every employee’s orientation to work and life, and their personal strengths are different and thus we use this to our advantage. Through employee dialogue, we will strengthen our organizational culture by providing employment, opportunities for development and an enhanced working environment to support growth.

    • Note:
      Developed the same policy as the Internal Environment Improvement Policy.

    Statement of Work Style Reforms

    We determine work methods that promote growth over time to enable each and every individual employee to manifest their personal characteristics, and pursue highly productive work methods that maximize success.
    In order to improve productivity, the Company actively invests in management resources, and unifies managers and workers to coalesce their wisdom Companywide. We nurture work worth doing by improving the quality of the job,
    and promote workers’ diverse activities by returning the success of reforms to them.

    Declaration of Health

    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has been engaged in health management initiatives for our employees based on our belief that employees are precious assets bestowed on us by society. SEKISUI CHEMICAL endeavors to take these initiatives to the next level by treating the promotion of the health of our employees as a management strategy that is aimed at achieving the physical, mental, and social well-being of all employees.

    Basic Policy for Health and Productivity Management

    Strive to achieve the well-being of all employees, and create workplaces where diverse personnel can play an active role with vitality.

    • Practice a comprehensive health promotion program that encompasses everything from health management (protecting health) to improving (actively enhancing health) the fulfillment and rewards of working.
    • Focus on improving productivity by advancing the awareness and behavior of each and every employee.
    • Encourage employees to make a proactive and ongoing effort to strive for well-being now and in the future.
    • Strive to contribute to society by realizing the happiness of employees and their families, and our customers through the well-being of our employees.

    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Safety Policy


    We, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group, recognize that the safety of our employees and those who work together with us, is essential to achieving sustainable growth. We aim to be a Safe and Secure enterprise that establishes safe and secure working environments and has the full trust of not only by all those who work together with us, but also our customers, our communities.

    Basic Policy

    Based on the concept of human dignity that everyone is invaluable, we prioritize safety over anything else as a basic rule in all of our business activities from development, production, construction to servicing. We are committed to promoting comprehensive safety activities with the aim of achieving zero occupational injuries, equipment-related accidents, commuting-related accidents or extended sick leave.

    • 1.
      We strive to develop a safe and comfortable workplace where everyone is taken care of both mentally and physically,which should lead to good health for our employees and those who work together with us, whom we highly value.
    • 2.
      We thoroughly disseminate the legal requirements concerning health and safety/disaster prevention to our employees to ensure compliance.
    • 3.
      We carry out risk assessment and promote risk reduction measures in a systematic way to eliminate hazardous factors that compromise health and safety/disaster prevention.
    • 4.
      We strive to raise awareness regarding health and safety/disaster prevention through employee education/training and promote continuous improvements by setting voluntary objectives/goals.
    • 5.
      We proactively disclose any necessary information as well as gain a higher level of trust by having close communication with public administrations and local communities.

    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Cyber Security Policy


    We, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group, recognize that cyber assets —information received from a wide range of parties,
    confidential corporate information, and systems for managing this information —are an increasingly important management resource and a source of our competitiveness.
    We believe that preparations against cyber-attacks threatening these assets are an important management responsibility,and strive to continually undertake cyber security measures as defined in the basic policy, to ensure a stable management foundation.

    Basic Policy

    • 1.
      Compliance with laws and regulations
      We comply with laws, regulations, contractual requirements, and other social norms related to cyber security
    • 2.
      Maintenance of the cyber security management system
      We have established a cyber security management system across the entire SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group, positioning cyber security as essential to management policies and investments, and always strive for continuous improvement under the responsibility of management.
    • 3.
      Implementation of cyber security measures
      We identify cyber security risks, and undertake measures to prevent cyber security incidents.
    • 4.
      Ensuring business continuity
      We formulate business continuity plans (BCPs) and recovery plans in preparation for the occurrence of cyber security incidents, and strive to quickly recover and prevent reoccurrence should any incident occur.
    • 5.
      Education of employees
      We continually perform education and awareness activities with regard to the appropriate use, management, and maintenance of cyber assets, so as to develop the cyber security literacy of our employees.

    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Social Contribution Activities Policy

    As a good corporate citizen, we, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group, engage in activities that focus on the Environment, the Next Generation, and Local Communities, and contribute not only to business activities but also to society.
    All employees working for SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group are proactively involved in the society and act so that they can serve as prominent human resources in society as well. In addition, their activities are supported by each company of the Group in order to generate synergistic effects.

    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Basic Procurement Policy

    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group supports the basis of LIFE and continues to create peace of mind for the future in line with its vision statement Innovation for the Earth, which aims to realize a sustainable society. In order to realize a sustainable society through innovation and creativity with a focus on ESG management, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will build its supply chain and conduct procurement activities based on the following purchasing policy.

    • Open
      For purchasing transactions, we open our doors to a wide range of national and international companies in order to receive better proposals.

    • Fairness and impartiality
      In the selection of our business partners, we respect the rights of our business partners and treat them with common sense and integrity. We also require that our business partners work together with us to achieve a sustainable society, and we will do so in a fair and equitable manner, with sound business conditions and with consideration based on quality, price, delivery time, and service.

    • Compliance with laws, regulations, and social norms
      When conducting purchasing transactions, the company complies with national and international laws and regulations. We equally comply not only with laws and regulations, but also with social norms as a discipline that must be observed in social life.

    • Mutual trust
      We recognize that all our business partners are partners in the conduct of our business, and we build relationships of trust by exchanging corporate and other necessary information in a fair, timely, and appropriate manner, and deepening mutual understanding. We also aim to build genuine partnerships to achieve a sustainable society.

    • Contribution to global environmental conservation
      When conducting purchasing transactions, the company contributes to the prevention of global warming, the conservation of biodiversity, and the building of a circular economy, and the company requires that our business partners also contribute to global environmental conservation.

    • Prevention of corruption
      When conducting purchasing transactions, the company works across the supply chain to ensure that all forms of corruption,
      including bribery, suspected bribery, and money laundering, do not take place.

    • Responsibility for respecting human rights
      When conducting purchasing transactions, the company works with our business partners to ensure that we do not infringe on human rights, including child labor, forced labor, and discrimination, and that if any negative impact on human rights occurs, we will take the appropriate measures to correct the situation and fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights.

    [Requests to business partners on sustainable procurement]
    In order to promote more socially and environmentally friendly procurement activities, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has formulated the "Sustainable Procurement Guidelines (Supplier Code of Conduct)" for the Company and all business partners involved in the production of our products, which sets out standards to be observed based on its basic procurement policy. We ask our business partners to cooperate with us in aiming to understand and comply with the aims and content of this Code of Conduct, so that together we can work toward the realization of a sustainable society. The Code of Conduct applies to the entire SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group.

    [About sustainable timber procurement]
    In the course of our business activities, the company procures wood itself or wood-based raw materials and recognizes that this may have negative impacts with regard to human rights and the environment.
    In addition, at COP26 in November 2021, leaders from over 100 countries, including Japan, signed a document committing to end deforestation by 2030.
    In response to this, we have set a new target of "2030: Zero Deforestation" and revised our "Timber procurement policy" to achieve this goal. And in order to realize procurement in line with this policy, we have established new "Sustainable Timber Procurement Guidelines", and are working to further reduce the negative impact of deforestation on the human rights and environment of indigenous peoples, performing legal timber procurement to date as a matter of course.

    [Timber procurement policy]

    • (1)
      Environmental considerations for timber procurement
      • Promote the procurement of timber from forests that are properly managed for sustainable use.
      • Promote the procurement of timber that does not lead to natural forests being converted to other uses.
      • Procure timber from forests other than those with high conservation value, such as biodiversity conservation.
      • Procure timber from non-threatened tree species.
      • Procure wood materials that contribute to resource circulation, such as recycled materials and unused thinned wood.
      • Proactively employ suppliers that are implementing activities that lead to an increase in forests.
    • (2)
      Social considerations for timber procurement
      • Promote procurement in a manner that does not have a negative impact on local communities and respects local cultures, traditions, and economies in the sales channels, including logging and processing of timber products.
      • Promote procurement that respects the rights of indigenous peoples.
      • Promote procurement that respects the rights of all workers.
    • (3)
      Governance initiatives
      • Comply with all laws and regulations relating to forest procurement.
      • Ensure traceability of timber and timber products, and promote clear place of origin and problem-free procurement of timber and timber products.

    [About responsible mineral procurement]
    At SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group we strive to avoid human rights violations, the use of conflict minerals that fund armed groups, and other such risks related to minerals and mining. We comply with regulations such as the Dodd-Frank Act (USA) and EU Conflict Minerals Regulation, and take pains to eliminate any minerals connected to OECD Annex II risks in Conflict Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRAs), including the Democratic Republic of the Congo and surrounding countries.
    In order to promote sustainable and responsible mineral procurement, if any minerals are discovered that are determined to be applicable to the above items, we will work with business partners to take appropriate measures.

    SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group's Basic Policy on Customer Harassment

    • 1.
      SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is working to always provide products and services that satisfy our customers from their perspective based on the Group Vision: “Through prominence in technology and quality, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will contribute to improving the lives of the people of the world and the Earth’s environment, by continuing to open up new frontiers in residential and social infrastructure creation, and chemical solutions”.
      To continue to provide high quality products and services to our customers, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has formulated and enacted the “Basic Policy on Customer Harassment” with the purpose of respecting the human rights of our employees (employees and other parties belonging to our group) and ensuring a workplace in which they can work in peace and in good physical and mental health.
    • 2.
      Basic Policy
      All group employees work hard to provide products and services that satisfy our customers, and we handle any suggestions from our customers sincerely and in good faith. However, if we find that a customer's behavior and/or request is deemed to be customer harassment, we may refuse to provide a product or service. Moreover, if we recognize further conduct that is deemed to be malicious, we will take strict action in cooperation with the police, lawyers, and other authorities.
    • 3.
      Definition of Customer Harassment
      Requests from customers in which the means and manner to fulfil such requests are socially unacceptable in light of the appropriateness of the content, and which are detrimental to the working environment of our employees.
    • 4.
      Example of Behavior that Meets this Definition
      • Physical or mental attacks (assault, injury, threats, slander, libel, insults, verbal abuse, etc.) or intimidating language and behavior
      • Excessive repetition of requests, persistent language and behavior
      • Constrictive actions (e.g., refusal to leave, sit-in, confinement of employees, etc.)
      • Excessive demand for an apology (e.g., forcing employees to get down on their knees)
      • Discriminatory or sexual language or behavior
      • Attacks or demands made on individual employees
      • Photographing, videoing employees, or recording conversations with employees without their permission
      • Posting of employees' personal information, etc. on social media/Internet (publication of photos, videos, audio, or any other information), commonly referred to as doxing
      • Acts that damage the credibility of our company or employees or interfere with business activities
      • Requests to provide unreasonable or excessive services
      • Requests to replace products, demands for money or apologies without just cause
      • Entering SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group-related facilities without authorization
      • Note:
        The above descriptions are only examples and behavior that meets the definition of customer harassment is not limited to the above.
    • 5.
      SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group's Efforts to Tackle Customer Harassment
      The following measures will be implemented to address customer harassment across our organization:
      • We will formulate methods and procedures for dealing with customer harassment
      • Conduct education and training for employees
        (including training to ensure that employees do not engage in customer harassment themselves)
      • Establish a reporting and consultation system for customer harassment

    December 1, 2024