Corporate Information
Visit "Overview" page.
SEKISUI CHEMICAL is not just a housing company. SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is comprised of three divisional companies (High Performance Plastics Company, Housing Company, and Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company) and a medical business. Visit "Business Segments" page.
Visit "Medium-term Management Plan" page. The Company announced details of its Long-term Vision in conjunction with its Medium-term Management Plan. We recommend that both be viewed together.
Visit "Corporate Governance" page.
The Company was established on March 3, 1947. For more information, visit "History" page.
Financial Information
March 31.
IR briefing materials for financial results and the earnings reports are available on "Financial Results and Plan Briefing" page.
Visit "Fact Book" and "Chart Generator" pages.
SEKISUI CHEMICAL announces financial results quarterly. Visit "IR Calendar" page.
The PDF and online version are available on this page.
Stock Information
Ticker symbol: 4204/Market: Tokyo /Sector: Chemicals /ISIN: JP3419400001
In April 1954.
100 stocks.
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is held in June every year. For more information, visit "Shareholders' Meeting" page.
The record dates are September 30 and March 31. Visit "Dividends and Share Buybacks" page.
Regarding purchasing our stocks, please contact with the financial institutions.