IR Policies
Management Policy on Corporate Information Disclosure
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group (hereinafter "the Group") discloses corporate information in an impartial, timely, and appropriate manner in order to ensure corporate transparency and to fulfill social responsibilities, and also to deepen the understanding of the Group by shareholders and all stakeholders.
Further, we actively pursue communication with all stakeholders, and we work hard to ensure that opinions regarding the Group are appropriately reflected in corporate activities.
Basic Policies
The following basic policies are defined based on the Group's Principle of Corporate Information Disclosure.
1. Content of Disclosure
The Group actively discloses information as required by relevant rules and regulations, including corporate and securities exchange laws. The Group also discloses corporate information that is material from a financial, environmental, and/or social perspective, and any other corporate information, that it is so determined, should be disclosed.
2. System of Disclosure
The Group assigns corporate disclosure officers responsible for the collection, management, and disclosure of corporate information as an integrated activity, and designates the persons in charge of performing their duties for each of the different types of disclosures. Further the Group designates the corporate information liaison officers for each business place and puts in place a system for rapidly and comprehensively collecting information to be disclosed.
3. Methods of Disclosure
For the actual disclosure of corporate information, the Group discloses information in an impartial, timely and appropriate manner by choosing the most effective and progressive methods, including press releases, the publishing on the Group's website, the disclosures on the TDnet system provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the disclosures at briefing sessions held for shareholders.
Furthermore, the details of disclosed content etc. are set out in the Group's "Corporate Information Disclosure Regulations".
Purpose of Investor Relations Activities
The main purpose of the Group's IR activities is to develop a long-term relationship of trust with stakeholders by ensuring accountability not only to shareholders but also to all other stakeholders including investors and analysts, through the faithful and fair disclosure of information, and to reflect opinions that the Group receives for further improvement of its management. In addition, the Group's IR activities are aimed at contributing to the enhancement of corporate value through constructive communication.
IR Spokespersons
To ensure the accuracy of information and fairness of disclosure, the Group’s IR activities shall be undertaken in principle by IR spokespersons, including the President, Director in charge of IR, and IR group in the Business Strategy Department. IR spokespersons may appoint other executives and employees as their deputies when necessary.
Quiet Period Policy
The Group shall observe a quiet period from the closing date of each quarter through to the announcement of financial results for the quarter (first half period/full fiscal year) in order to prevent the leak of financial results information and ensure the fairness of information disclosure. During the quiet period, the Company shall refrain from making comments and answering questions pertaining to its financial results. However, if any matter should emerge during the quiet period that falls under the timely disclosure standards, the Company shall disclose information in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules and other applicable rules.