SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has continued to create a wide range of products and business that change people's lives and contribute to society.
Here, we provide a quick overview of our attributes, strengths, and growth strategies.


Established in 1947, the Company is a pioneer in plastic molding techniques.

SEKISUI INC. was established on March 3, 1947 as the predecessor to Nicchitsu Konzern's plastics divisions.
The Company changed its name to SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. in 1948 and has continued to lead the plastics industry in Japan.
For more than 70 years, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has contributed to people's lives and the global environment while refining its prominence across a wide range of housing, medical, automobile, infrastructure, and other fields.


SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group engages in business through the three Housing, Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products, and High Performance Plastics divisional companies, the Medical business and Corporate Headquarters, which oversees new business development.


Realizing a more convenient and prosperous society


Supporting the basis of LIFE and society


Providing housing that instills peace of mind and provides comfortable lives

Contributing to full and healthy lives


"Prominence" in technologies that help create high performance and quality products

Six essential technology groups related to the "Residential and Social Infrastructure Creation" and "Chemical Solutions" business fields as well as 28 more specific technological platforms (TPF) form are the foundations of our value creation. We are refining each of these technologies while combining multiple TPFs to create the prominent products and services in order to develop new markets and fields.

The Origins of SEKISUI CHEMICAL Gropu's Innovation:20 Technological Platforms

Based on its technology platform, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is making efforts to fuse together its various internal and external stakeholders and companies while accelerating innovation.
In order to further advance this prominence in technology, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is placing considerable emphasis on strengthening core technologies while fostering technical personnel.

R&D Expenditure 41.7 Billions of yen

From basic and applied research to the development of new businesses, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is engaged in research and development to ensure its prominence in advanced technologies in line with the aims of the Housing, Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products, and High Performance Plastics divisional companies, its Medical and other businesses, Corporate R&D.

* Data of March 31, 2024(on a consolidated basis)

Support for science and technology research306

The development of future-oriented technologies, design techniques as well as systems that help reduce environmental impact while drawing on the lessons to be learned from nature is critical to the formation of a sustainable society.
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group supports research activities that apply basic scientific knowledge inspired by nature to "manufacturing" and "the resolution of social issues."

* Data is the cumulative total of grants under the "Innovations Inspired by Nature Research Support Program."


Aiming to expand contributions to resolving social issues through "business growth, reform and creation, centered on ESG management.

1,256.5 Billions of yen

Net Sales

94.4 Billions of yen

Operating Income

* Data as of March 31, 2024 (on a consolidated basis)

Net Sales by Business Segment (FY2023)
Net Sales by Region (FY2023)
  • Note: In the case of numerical values denominated in billions of yen, numbers below a billion are rounded up or down to the nearest hundred million.
  • Breakdown of sales: “Other” includes -¥20.7 billion in Group-wide businesses and inter-segment eliminations.


Expanding its business worldwide, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group maintains development, manufacturing, and sales bases in Japan and across each of the Asia, Europe, and Americas regions.

Number of Employees26,929

(As of March 31, 2024)

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group's global talent employees continue to excel in more than 20 countries and regions worldwide.


Innovation for the Earth
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will continue to generate innovation and realize profitable growth in a bid to help resolve social issues.

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is working to carry out its Medium-term Management Plan, ”Drive 2.0”, as the crucial second phase toward realizing its Long-term Vision, "Vision 2030," which maps out the ideal image of the Group 10 years from now. Strengthening its ESG management base, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will accelerate toward new growth based on the technologies its has built to date.