Presentation Q&A

Last Updated: May 29, 2020

(May 22, 2020)

Long-term Vision and Medium-term Management Plan

About target values under the new Medium-term Management Plan

(Page 15 of the presentation slides) Has Sekisui Chemical Group revised the target values identified in its recently announced new Medium-term Management Plan from the Company's original plans in light of COVID-19?

In effect, we have moved back our original plans roughly one year. This is because we believe that COVID-19 will continue to have an impact, especially on the Mobility field of our HPP Business and the Housing Company, which is distinguished by the lead time from order to sales. We estimate that it will take around one year for COVID-19 to subside and economic conditions to return to normal.

  • *HPP Company; High Performance Plastics Company

About the Group's investment plan and M&As

(Page 22 of the presentation slides) Have any changes also been made to the Group's original investment plan ?

No changes have been made to the investment plan. The plan is positioned to help carry out the necessary preparations to realize our Long-term Vision over the three-year period of our new Medium-term Management Plan. Leveraging debt, we will invest aggressively in growth.

The amount that Sekisui Chemical Group plans to invest in M&As is much higher under the new Medium-term Management Plan . In which fields are you looking to invest and for what purpose? For example, are you looking to acquire technologies or expand sales channels?

Our highest priority is to secure synergies with existing businesses. We will therefore target fields in which synergies can be realized. In addition to sales and other channels where we can expand existing businesses, we will invest in the acquisition of technologies that provide an extension to our current portfolio . We are also looking at nurturing businesses .

About measures aimed at increasing ROIC

(Page 19 of the presentation slides) Sekisui Chemical Group has introduced ROIC as a KPI under its new Medium-term Management Plan. While this entails working to increase the efficiency of capital, are you concerned that this will place unnecessary downward pressure on investment?

We will look to strike a balance between increasing ROIC and investing in growth. We will also employ ROIC as a part of efforts to focus more than ever on securing a return on investments and strengthening the management of such inventories as land for housing sales while engaging in aggressive investment aimed at doubling sales volume, a key goal of our Long-term Vision.

Can we assume that the level of ROIC will improve even further from the next Medium-term Management Plan once the effects of investments undertaken under the new Medium-term Management Plan are realized?

Yes, we believe so. We envisage exponential growth in line with our Long-term Vision.

Is it safe to assume that there are no underperforming business at this time?

Thanks largely to the progress made in reforming the structure of our business focusing mainly on the UIEP Company, under the previous Medium-term Management Plan, we eliminated virtually all underperforming businesses. Because of the shift in people's behavior as a result of COVID-19, and the ever-present potential for change in the structure of the economy over the long term, we will continue to promote structural reforms in response to ongoing change.

  • *UIEP Company:Urban Infrastructure and Environmental Products Company
What is your approach toward cross-shareholdings and policy regarding the holding of equity-method affiliate shares?

As far as cross-shareholdings are concerned, the Board of Directors meets each year to deliberate on the significance and benefits of ownership from a cost of capital perspective. Shares that are deemed as unnecessary and subsequently sold. We will continue to maintain this policy going forward. As far as our principal equity-method affiliates, Sekisui Jushi Corporation and Sekisui Plastics Co., Ltd., are concerned, we will maintain the current level of ownership in order to sustain and develop existing business ties.

About ESG and other investment

(Pages 20 and 21 of the presentation slides) The Group has taken steps to newly set an ESG investment limit under the new Medium-term Management Plan. What kind of return are you anticipating?

Turning to human resources as one example, we will push forward work style reforms with a view to securing such qualitative effects as an improvement in the retention rate. We also believe that this initiative will make it easier to recruit outstanding employees . As far as the environment is concerned, we will work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by utilizing renewable energy and prevent any major incident through digital transformation. Through these and other means, we hope to improve corporate value.

(Pages 20 and 21 of the presentation slides) Again referring to ESG investment, will you identify and KPIs when making investment decisions and measuring the effects?

We have slightly lowered the level of anticipated return compared with general investments to ease the burden of business decisions when raising investment opportunities. Moreover, we have established the Sustainability Committee . In addition to deliberating on the objectives and effects of investments, we are looking at certain indicators including employee retention rates and the number of major incidents as measures of efficacy.

Have you identified any ESG-related indicators under the new Medium-term Management Plan such as the Environment-contributing Products indicator raised under the previous Medium-term Management Plan?

We positioned Environment-contributing Products as a driving force for improving corporate value. We have reviewed our definition of Environment-contributing Products and taken steps to evolve the concept by introducing Sustainability-contributing Products under the new Medium-term Management Plan. Sales of Environment-contributing Products totaled 658.5 billion yen in fiscal 2019. This represented 58% of the Group's total sales. We expect sales of Sustainability contributing Products to expand to 800 billion yen by fiscal 2022 and account for 66% of total sales.

As far as profitability is concerned, can we assume that the operating income ratios of both Environment-contributing Products and Sustainability-contributing Products exceed the Group-wide average?

Sekisui Chemical Group is highly regarded by customers for its ability to contribute to solving social issues . Profitability is also high.

About the measures of each segment

(Page 25 of the presentation slides) Turning to performance trends in the HPP Company, profit declined in fiscal 2019 despite an increase in sales compared with the recent peak in operating income in fiscal 2017. What are your thoughts on the main reasons for this decline?

The main reasons for the decline include the impact of the yen's appreciation, a downturn in performance due largely to a sudden deterioration in business conditions in the aircraft field and the subsequent impact on the operations of recently acquired Sekisui Aerospace Corporation, and the increase in goodwill amortization expenses. However, excluding these factors, we believe that profitability is steadily improving thanks to successful efforts aimed at reducing costs and structural reforms.

Sekisui Chemical Group is planning to reduce costs in the HPP and Housing companies by 8 billion yen and 5 billion yen, respectively, under the new Medium-term Management Plan. What will happen if you do not achieve your sales plans?

We always incorporate pessimistic scenarios when formulating measures. We intend to implement cost reduction and structural reform measures in advance while adhering to our profit plan.

(Page 29 of the presentation slides) Sekisui Chemical Group is planning to innovate costs across the entire supply chain in the HPP Company. Will you be able to proceed as planned given the uncertainty surrounding the timing of a global supply chain recovery as a result of COVID-19?

As far as procurement is concerned , we are looking at implementing a variety of measures including the use of digital transformation as well as both concentrated and multiple procurement. Going so far as to include other divisional companies, we will also focus on improving the efficiency of logistics not only in Japan, but also globally .

(Page 32 of the presentation slides) As far as Sekisui Aerospace Corporation is concerned, demand in the aircraft field is projected to be difficult for some time. How will you strengthen profitability?

While the ratio of sales to Boeing is high, we will work to diversify revenue sources going forward. In specific terms, we will look to develop and expand sales of high-value-added engine components. We will also promote collaboration with the UIEP Company's, sheet business as well as the and medical businesses and push forward the development and sales of components for medical inspection equipment. At the same time, we will make every effort to improve productivity.

(Pages 38 and 39 of the presentation sides) Sekisui Chemical Group has stated its intention to expand sales in the Housing Business focusing on ready-built houses. Will there also be a decline in sales prices?

The downturn in houses for sale (ready-built houses) is small compared with total constructions starts. In relative terms, demand is also steady. As a result, we will focus on this areas under our new Medium-term Management Plan. With a large number of houses for sale in the 25 million yen or lower price range, there is a tendency for prices to fall slightly. Sekisui Chemical Group plans to increase profitability per house by taking advantage off-periods at housing production plants to increase operating rates (mass production effects) and minimize losses.